Product Design

Product design is the process of creating products that are both functional and appealing to consumers. This involves a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, industrial design, user experience, and user interface design

TRIZ Principles to solve design challenges

Best 40 TRIZ Principles to Boost Your Design Challenges

For product design engineers. The 40 TRIZ Principles are the solutions to solve the “TRIZ contradictions” in product design problem-solving or to highlight other approaches during your product design brainstorming

Plastics tricks

Plastics Design Tricks Collection

No plastics design theory, just plenty of illustrated examples of the most common plastic design features achievable with injection molding. Where designed for plastic injection becomes real and is the

Headlamp strap removed

Headlamp design review

A great engineered headlamp product, with the usage of many plastic tricks, a tight assembly, an all-in-one electronic board, and optics, all designed in a small battery-size footprint and withstanding

too small inner radius impossible to clean

20 Best Tips to Design for Cleanability

In some industries, Design for Cleanability is just a must (food, medical), in all others, you may just want your product to be and maintain clean during its usage. This

white board

Protective peeling film layer

These peeling films are supposed to be easily …. peelable! But read-on, to avoid annoying your customer, or even worse, have your product with that horrible film torn in pieces

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