Free IRC Client for Chat - no install

Unique free IRC client (Internet Relay Chat) to chat in any IRC room on engineering, innovation product development, or get advice on any topic. Except for bots, you usually find passionate people ready to help. No installation is needed. Select one of the networks, provide your pseudo and enter a room. We have some room suggestions for design and innovation topics, but once entered, use the room tab to search for any other room or topic.

What is IRC: IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is a real-time text-based Internet chat. It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-on-one communication via private message and chat and data transfer, including file sharing. It is historically the first popular way for people to communicate and share information online in a live manner (IRC history).

What is an IRC Client: An IRC client is software that allows users to connect to an IRC network and communicate with other users in real-time. It provides features such as private messaging, file sharing, and chatroom creation. IRC clients are available for various platforms, including Windows, Mac, Linux, and mobile devices, but also, as the ones below, web-hosted, thus requiring no local installation for the user.

Free IRC Chat Client no install
Free IRC Chat Client no install

Note #1: the tools below allow one network per IRC client; use the menu on the right or scroll down to access each of the 5 main networks available. Some rooms are suggested for each network, but use #XXX function once log in to display all the rooms (hundreds to thousands).
Note #2:
be careful on any unusual request, command, or download proposals! See our tutorial on IRC here: IRC commands. Being polite and humble is the rule.
Tip: be a bit patient at a start of a conversation as many users let the window open and work meanwhile on something else and may not answer instantaneously.

For the first visit in search of engineering support, we recommend connecting to or Freenode below.

IRCnet Free IRC Client

Some of the rooms available on the IRCnet network: #engineering, #spaceengineers, #3DPrinting, #programming, #math, #science, #physics, #chemistry

DALnet Free IRC Client

Some of the rooms available on the DALnet network: #html, #3dprinting, #High-tech, #aws, #robotics, #electronics, #math, #physics

EFnet Free IRC Client

The oldest network, but possibly the less unified, as different local server instances may have different rules so as in EU or North America. We connect here via the Dalarnas Univerity (Sweden).
Some of the available rooms on the EFnet network: #engineering, #engineer, #3dprinting, #prototype, #openscad, #csmech, #science, #maths, #science, #autocad, #solidworks

Freenode Free IRC Client

Freenode was initially created to host OpenSource projects in particular. It hosts a lot of channels related to technologies and engineering.
Some of the rooms available on the Freenode network: #engineering, #ee, #systemengineers, #design, #Designers, #opensourcedesign, #AltiumDesigner, #productivity, #openprinting, #3d-printers, #sprint, #3dprinter, #reprap, #arduino, #kicad, ##algorithms, #c, #programming, #hardware, ##mechanics, #MechanicAdvice, ##electronics, ##math, #science, ##neuroscience, ##chemistry, ##biochemistry, #astrophysics,#kicad,#freecad, ##openscad, #openscad, #librecad, #MechanicAdvice, #solidworks
Note: a double “#” usually means it is not the official channel compared to a single “#” … but if there is no official, then just another one on the same topic. Free IRC Client is the youngest network but hosts the most active rooms of this page.
Some of the rooms available on the network: ##stm32, ##science, ##engineering, ##systemengineers, ##multirotors, #design, ##design, #reprap, #octoprint, #python, #C++, ##hardware, #windows, #php, #java, #arduino, ##electronics, ##perl, ##mechanics, ##electronics, ##electronics, #sparkfun, #hackvana, ##math, #algorithms, ##science, ##biology, #logic, ##programming, ##chemistry, ##physics, #kicad, #freecad, #openscad, #mechanicaladvice, #arduino
Note: a double “#” usually means it is not the official channel compared to a single “#” … but if there is no official, then just another one on the same topic.