Plastic Molding & Injection Price Calculator

Great for rapid estimations of the cost of your next plastic injected part. It has a nice database of plastic properties and prices for a first comparison. It takes regrinding, waste, defects, controls and other parameters into account.

No rocket science, this is what we used to do in a spreadsheet, but nicely done here already, with convenient tool tips.


  • Use its menu to access a “Featured based” version of the tool, with less technical mandatory parameters and more guidance on long term tool versus rapid cheaper steel tool so as required precision and complexity
  • This version uses pounds & inches units only (the Featured Based version has metric also)

Remember that 80% of the part price is decided at the design stage. Nothing will replace your technological choices, design & value analyses  (read our posts on these), and then the discussions and advises with your suppliers.

Free, No Download/Install required, No registration
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