

Neueste Veröffentlichungen & Patente zu FPGA

This week: IPMSM, Nonlinear Model, Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Systems, Discrete-Time, Torque Ripple Minimization, Switched Reluctance Motor Drives, Harris Hawks, Radial Basis Function Approximation, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), Multi-Symbol Detection Algorithm, Reduced Matching Branches, Multiplexed Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters, acoustic output device, loudspeaker, diaphragm, cavity, Neuron circuit, Convolutional neural networks, Spiking neural networks, FPGA, security access control, multi-modal, System on a Chip (SoC), security circumstances, Hopfield Neural Network, Hyperbolic Tangent Memristor, Absolute Value, Dynamics, Ultra-Wideband, Electromagnetic Transient, Measurement System, FPGA

Super Capacitors

Neueste Nachrichten über Superkondensatoren

Diese Woche: kapazitive Leistung, mikrowellengetrieben, CNTs, karbonisierte Zigarettenfilterabfälle, nachhaltige Energiespeicherung, stickstoffdotierte Kohlenstoffnanoröhren, hierarchisches leitfähiges Netzwerk, Kapazitätsoptimierung, hybride Energiespeichersysteme, Windparks, k-means, zweistufige Zerlegung, netzgekoppelte Stromschwankungen, verbesserte Algorithmen, Hierarchische, CoMn-LDH, Heterostrukturierte, Verbundwerkstoffe, Superkondensatoren, Elektrokatalyse, Anwendungen, organische Materialien, Kathodenmaterialien, Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Superkondensatoren, Energiespeicher, Elektrodenreaktionsmechanismen, Designstrategien, Synthese, CuCoNiSxO4, Superkondensatoren, Übergangsmetallsulfide, Hochleistungs, asymmetrisch, Elektrode, Energiedichte, Leistungsdichte, Zykluslebensdauer, Superkondensatoren, ionische Flüssigkeit, reduziertes Graphenoxid, Elektrode


Latest Publications & Patents on Electronics

This week: Microcontroller, Coupled-Tank, Feedback Linearization, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Threshold Voltage Compensation, Organic Light-Emitting Diode, Silicon Microdisplays, Pixel Circuit, Formalization, Verification, Process Algebra, Model Checker
Formalization and Verification of PaxosStore using Process Algebra CSP and model checker PAT to ensure safety and effectiveness of the storage system components, Robust Regression, Redundant Measurement Noise Estimation, Adaptive Filtering, Localization, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Vision Transformers, Autonomous Driving Systems, Visual Input, Circularly Polarized, Reconfigurable, MIMO, WLAN, LEDs, Placido disk, manufacturing method, flexible circuit board, integrated circuit, transistor stack, source/drain isolation layer, forming methods

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