

Vergleich zwischen Thermoplasten und Duroplasten

Did you know thermosetting plastics like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing? They are also more chemically stable compared to thermoplastics. This strength and stability make thermosets essential for high-temperature uses in aerospace and automotive fields. But,...

Druckwechseladsorption (PSA): Das effiziente Verfahren zur Gastrennung

Did you know Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) can purify gases over 99%? This technique is key in many fields. It's used for hydrogen recovery, CO2 removal, and air cleaning. With materials like zeolites and activated carbon, PSA switches between...

Essential Guide to OSINT Techniques & Tools

Do you ever think about the power of open source intelligence (OSINT) in your work? OSINT is changing the way we gather, look at, and use public data for decisions in different areas. It's incredibly helpful for those in...

Hydroforming: Die Technologie der Metallumformung erklärt

Have you heard about hydroforming? It uses fluid pressure up to 10,000 PSI to mold metal. This amazing ability shows how hydroforming has changed metal shaping today. Deep draw hydroforming is especially popular. It makes strong, complex parts with great...

Vacuum Forming: Custom Plastic Sheet Manufacturing Guide

Did you know vacuum forming can cut tooling costs by up to 50%? This makes it cost-effective compared to injection molding. It's also fast for prototyping and allows for easy customization. These advantages have made vacuum forming a favorite...

Vokabeln zu PCB und elektronischen Komponenten, die man kennen muss

To know for product design: mastered by electronics engineers, these basic electronic components vocabulary, PCB technologies, and most used components footprints are a must-know also for product designers, mechanical designers, project managers, and regulatory engineers for project development efficiency. Basic...

Anleitungen: Vakuum-Harzinfusionsverfahren

3 Videos, die von Anfang bis Ende die Harzinfusionstechnologien über Carbon- oder Kevlarschichten demonstrieren, um hochleistungsfähige dünnwandige Teile zu erhalten, wie sie in Heimwerkerprojekten oder in professionellen Anwendungen verwendet werden. Obwohl der Vakuumteil des Prozesses...

Metallziehverfahren für Aluminiumdosen

Metal Drawing is a process that entails pulling a thin metal plate through a die. In the case of metal cans, the challenge becomes a deep drawing as the workpiece is drawing longer than its diameter.   After reviewing many factors...
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Vergleich zwischen Thermoplasten und Duroplasten

Did you know thermosetting plastics like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing?...

Woraus werden Kunststoffe aus biologischem Anbau hergestellt?

Did you know that bioplastics can have up to a 25% smaller carbon footprint...

Wesentliche IRC-Befehle und IRC-Verwendung Einführung

In 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen invented a system changing real-time online talks. Thus, Internet Relay...

Recycling-Lektion: If It Can't Be Reduced Song, von Pete Seeger

Culture, Recycling & Singing: Pete Seeger was a folk music legend and social justice...


Zeigt, wie Gase aus der Luft in der flüssigen Phase extrahiert und dann abgetrennt werden...

Herstellung von Druckmessgeräten

Zeigt eine halbautomatische Version (es gibt auch andere Verfahren) der Herstellung von Druckmessgeräten, Rohrfedern...

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Wirksame Produktentwicklung

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Design-to-Cost, Ergonomie, mittlere bis hohe Stückzahlen, regulierte Industrien, CE & FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Lean Sigma Black Belt, medizinische ISO 13485 Klasse II & III