CasaDesign del prodottoDesign ecologico

Design ecologico

Economia circolare e pratiche di progettazione dei prodotti

Did you know every year we throw away materials worth about $2.6 trillion? These are from goods we use quickly and then discard. This large number shows we need to find eco-friendly ways to make and design products. By...

Valutazione del ciclo di vita (LCA): La guida completa

Did you know Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) uncovers the hidden environmental costs of our daily items? It shows more than 70% of a product's environmental impact happens before we even get it. This fact highlights LCA's key role in...

LCA vs PCF: un confronto completo

Did you know electric vehicles over their lifetime emit over 60% less than gas-powered cars? This fact highlights the need for accurate environmental impact evaluations. When it comes to sustainability analysis, there's a big debate between Life Cycle Assessment...

Recycle vs Upcycle: similarities and differences

An amazing 75% of aluminum made in the USA is still being used today. This is thanks to recycling. This fact highlights how recycling and upcycling help keep materials in use longer. Yet, they are not the same. Recycling...

Microplastiche: origini, impatti e soluzioni tecniche

Did you know that plastic makes up 60% to 80% of marine waste? Shockingly, 90% of floating waste in seas is plastic. This harms our planet’s ecosystems greatly. Tiny particles, known as microplastics, are less than 5 millimeters. They...

Di cosa sono fatte le plastiche di origine biologica?

Did you know that bioplastics can have up to a 25% smaller carbon footprint compared to traditional fossil-based plastics? Right now, 100% bio-based bioplastics are made at a rate of about 2 million tonnes each year. This is a...

Fattori di invecchiamento dei pannelli solari: Influenze chiave

What if knowing how solar panels age could maximize your investment? Their efficiency is crucial for a solar power system's performance and cost-effectiveness. Yet, many factors make them age, impacting their long-term value and effectiveness. Different elements like environmental conditions,...

Lezione di riciclaggio: If It Can't Be Reduced Song, di Pete Seeger

Cultura, riciclaggio e canto: Pete Seeger è stato una leggenda della musica folk e un'icona della giustizia sociale. Ha usato la sua musica per sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica su questioni importanti e per mobilitare le persone ad agire, dai diritti sociali all'impegno contro la guerra. Questa canzone, più...
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Confronto tra termoplastici e termoindurenti

Did you know thermosetting plastics like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing?...

Di cosa sono fatte le plastiche di origine biologica?

Did you know that bioplastics can have up to a 25% smaller carbon footprint...

Comandi IRC essenziali e uso di IRC Introduzione

In 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen invented a system changing real-time online talks. Thus, Internet Relay...

Lezione di riciclaggio: If It Can't Be Reduced Song, di Pete Seeger

Culture, Recycling & Singing: Pete Seeger was a folk music legend and social justice...

Unità di separazione dell'aria

Mostra come i gas vengono estratti dall'aria in fase liquida e poi separati...

Produzione di manometri

Mostra una versione semiautomatica (esistono altri processi) della produzione di manometri, tubi bourdon...

La meccanica combina software ed elettronica in prodotti di successo. Posso aiutare come Product Dev, R&D Manager o Project Manager?
Sviluppo efficace del prodotto

Disponibile con breve preavviso in Francia e in Svizzera.
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Design-to-cost, ergonomia, volumi medio-alti, industrie regolamentate, CE e FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Lean Sigma Black Belt, ISO 13485 Medico Classe II e III