
Poka-Yoke: Best Tips for Error-Proof Processes

Did you know poka-yoke can greatly reduce defect rates and improve product quality? It does more than just lower mistakes. Poka-yoke boosts productivity, lifts worker morale, and saves money on scrap and inspections. In today's competitive manufacturing world, minor...

8D Problem Solving: The Comprehensive Guide

The 8D problem solving method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the late 1980s. Today, it's one of the key tools for organizations worldwide seeking to improve quality and operations. This method has eight steps, or disciplines. They...

The 5S Methodology: A Guide to Lean Manufacturing Workplaces

Did you know the 5S methodology boosts productivity by 30% in manufacturing? This gain is from turning messy areas into organized spaces. This leads to better efficiency and fewer accidents at work. Experts in lean manufacturing say that the...

7+1 sprechi di Lean: una guida per eliminare l'inefficienza

Did you know that a company's inventory waste might lock away 30-40% of its cash? This is just one issue in lean manufacturing. It's part of seven types of waste that hurt profits and efficiency. These ideas come from...

Sistema di produzione Toyota (TPS): Una guida alla produzione

Did you know that a Toyota car has over 30,000 parts? The Toyota Production System (TPS) makes sure each one fits perfectly. It's all about not wasting anything and keeping things on time. This TPS set decades ago the...

La storia giapponese del Lean: Origini e sviluppo

Did you know that in 1950, Toyota was making only 2,500 cars a year? Meanwhile, Ford was producing nearly 8,000 cars every day at the Rouge plant in Dearborn, Michigan. This big difference highlights the impressive growth of Japanese...

Come ottimizzare la qualità con il controllo statistico di processo (SPC)

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is key in quality management. It gives real-time insights to keep process performance and product quality high. This method is essential in manufacturing for tracking processes and cutting unwanted variations. SPC lets companies enhance their processes,...

Tutti i KPI di produzione per monitorare e migliorare l'efficienza produttiva

Are you making the most of every tool at your disposal to enhance production? Knowing and using the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) can change your operation’s success. These metrics help reduce downtime and plan production better, showing every...

Basi del banco di produzione snella

Gli operatori possono muoversi velocemente sulla linea di produzione, svolgere compiti semplici e ripetitivi e impegnarsi al massimo... ma questa non è certo la tecnica di produzione più veloce. E una telecamera o un supervisore che grida...

I 99 acronimi più usati nella progettazione, R&D e produzione di prodotti

Un must da sapere: gli acronimi sono utilizzati ovunque nelle pubblicazioni tecniche, ed è utile raggruppare quelli specifici di Product Design, R&D, startup e innovazione. Elenchiamo qui gli acronimi legati soprattutto alla meccanica, alla statistica, agli standard, al project management, al lean...

I 5 termini giapponesi Lean da conoscere in produzione e qualità

For Manufacturing: the Japanese Lean terms are must-know vocabulary in manufacturing or quality as these have no direct equivalent and are used as-is in an industrial context. There are a variety of Japanese manufacturing lean terms, but we list here...

I 14 principi Lean del metodo Toyota

Per riprendere molti dei principi lean di un'azienda o di un atteggiamento, un libro è fondamentale. Dal libro imperdibile The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer (Dr Jeffrey Liker), da Wikipedia e da altre fonti, con...
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Thermoplastics vs Thermosets Comparison

Did you know thermosetting plastics like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing?...

Di cosa sono fatte le plastiche di origine biologica?

Did you know that bioplastics can have up to a 25% smaller carbon footprint...

Comandi IRC essenziali e uso di IRC Introduzione

In 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen invented a system changing real-time online talks. Thus, Internet Relay...

Lezione di riciclaggio: If It Can't Be Reduced Song, di Pete Seeger

Culture, Recycling & Singing: Pete Seeger was a folk music legend and social justice...

Unità di separazione dell'aria

Mostra come i gas vengono estratti dall'aria in fase liquida e poi separati...

Produzione di manometri

Mostra una versione semiautomatica (esistono altri processi) della produzione di manometri, tubi bourdon...

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Design-to-cost, Ergonomics, Medium to high-volume, Regulated industries, CE & FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Lean Sigma Black Belt, medical ISO 13485 Class II & III