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Kostenlose Produktdesign-Tipps, Tutorials zur Wertanalyse, Innovations- und Ideation-Methoden, Business Model Canvas und TRIZ methods, technical worldwide events and tradefairs, free R&D online tools (utilities, CAD, math, FEM …), Patent search, factory processes for your current challenging project or next successful startup. Use high level innovation strategy and help of visuel designers to boost your next product creativity.


Thermoplaste vs. Duroplaste

Vergleich zwischen Thermoplasten und Duroplasten

Did you know thermosetting plastics like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing? They are also more chemically stable compared to thermoplastics. This strength and stability make thermosets essential for high-temperature uses in aerospace and automotive fields. But, unlike thermoplastics, thermosets can’t be reshaped or recycled after curing. This key difference makes the discussion on thermoplastics vs thermosets very


Die Badewannenkurve und das Versagen der Produktlebensdauer verstehen

Have you heard about the famed failure rate shown by the bathtub curve? It highlights key phases in a product’s life cycle. The product life failure curve is crucial in reliability modeling. It shows how products fail over time through three main stages. These stages are Infant Mortality, Normal Life, and Wear-Out. This curve isn’t just theory. It’s a practical

Digitale Zwillinge in R&D

Digitaler Zwilling: Tipps, Tools und Anleitungen für R&D und Innovation

In the next five years, $30 trillion in corporate revenues will rely on new products. This highlights digital twin technology’s huge potential in Research and Development (R&D). With 75% of product development executives focusing on digitization, the digital-twin technology market is set to grow about 60% every year. By 2027, it’s expected to reach $73.5 billion.


Wie man die LED-Technologie für innovative Designs nutzt

Did you know LED lights can shine for up to 50,000 hours? That’s about 50 times longer than old-style bulbs. LEDs are changing the lighting game with their long life, energy-saving ways, and cool uses. They don’t waste energy making heat like old bulbs do. Instead, almost all their energy lights up our world. This makes them perfect for new,


Produktdesign für die Kreislaufwirtschaft

Praktiken der Kreislaufwirtschaft und des Produktdesigns

Wussten Sie, dass wir jedes Jahr Materialien im Wert von etwa $2,6 Billionen wegwerfen? Diese stammen von Waren, die wir schnell benutzen und dann wegwerfen. Diese hohe Zahl zeigt, dass wir umweltfreundliche Wege zur Herstellung und Gestaltung von Produkten finden müssen. Wenn wir die Ideen der Kreislaufwirtschaft befolgen, könnte Europa bis 2030 einen Einkommenszuwachs von 1,8 Billionen Euro verzeichnen.

Lebenszyklusbewertung (LCA)

Lebenszyklusanalyse (LCA): Der vollständige Leitfaden

Did you know Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) uncovers the hidden environmental costs of our daily items? It shows more than 70% of a product’s environmental impact happens before we even get it. This fact highlights LCA’s key role in reducing the environmental footprint of goods and services from start to finish.



Wiederaufladbare Induktions-Taschenlampe

A good example of an induction rechargeable product is where the energy is produced by the movement of a magnet through a coil, thus illustrating Faraday’s law. No battery either

Überprüfung des Designs von Scheinwerfern

A great engineered headlamp product, with the usage of many plastic tricks, a tight assembly, an all-in-one electronic board, and optics, all designed in a small battery-size footprint and withstanding


Wie werden Plastikflaschen hergestellt?

Aufgrund ihrer Leistung und ihres günstigen Preises, Plastikflaschen sind die am meisten produzierten Kunststoff-Verbrauchsteile, was sich in der höchsten Kunststoffverschmutzung niederschlägt ...

Lassen Sie Mechanik Software und Elektronik zu erfolgreichen Produkten kombinieren. Kann ich als Produktentwickler, R&D-Manager oder Projektleiter helfen?
Wirksame Produktentwicklung

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Anamorphose von Michael Murphy

Beste Anamorphose-Sammlung

An anamorphosis is an art technique that distorts an image so that it appears normal only when viewed from a particular angle or with a

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