Latest Publications & Patents on Titanium Metal

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications and patents in english on Titanium Metal, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on titanium and Ti-6Al-4V.

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Exploring Post-Machining Alternatives Under Dry Conditions for Thin-Walled Additive Manufacturing Components Aided by Infrared Thermography

Published on 2025-03-01 by Eduard Garcia-Llamas, Giselle Ramirez, Miguel Fuentes, Eduard Vidales, Jaume Pujante @MDPI

Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) techniques have transformed the production of parts and components with intricate geometries and customized designs, driving innovation in sustainable manufacturing practices. The additive manufacturing technology used in this work was selective laser melting (SLM), a process that uses laser energy to sinter powdered metals into solid structures. Among the various materials utilized in AM, Ti6Al4V titanium alloys are of particular interest due to their favorable mecha[...]

Our summary: Exploring post-machining alternatives under dry conditions for thin-walled additive manufacturing components aided by infrared thermography.

Additive manufacturing, Selective laser melting, Titanium alloys, Infrared thermography


Effect of Grain Size on Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanism of Nano-Polycrystalline Pure Ti Simulated by Molecular Dynamics

Published on 2025-03-01 by Xiao Zhang, Adam Ibrahem Abdalrsoul Alduma, Faqi Zhan, Wei Zhang, Junqiang Ren, Xuefeng Lu @MDPI

Abstract: Nano- and microscale titanium and its alloys have potential applications in semiconductor-based micro-electromechanical systems due to their excellent mechanical properties. The uniaxial tensile mechanical properties and deformation mechanism of polycrystalline pure Ti with five different grain sizes measuring 6.74–19.69 nm were studied via molecular dynamics simulation using the embedded-atom potential function method. The Hall–Petch relationships and the critical gr[...]

Our summary: Effect of Grain Size on Mechanical Properties and Deformation Mechanism of Nano-Polycrystalline Pure Ti Simulated by Molecular Dynamics. Hall-Petch relationships and critical grain size of polycrystalline pure Ti. Dislocation migration and grain boundary sliding as deformation mechanisms. Highest strength of polycrystalline Ti at 16.61 nm grain size.

Grain Size, Mechanical Properties, Deformation Mechanism, Molecular Dynamics


Prediction Model for Material Removal Rate of TC4 Titanium Alloy Processed by Vertical Vibratory Finishing

Published on 2025-03-01 by Kun Shan, Liaoyuan Zhang, Bo Tan, Yashuang Zhang, Wenhui Li, Xiuhong Li, Xuejie Wen @MDPI

Abstract: To establish a high-precision prediction model for the material removal rate (MRR) of TC4 titanium alloy material in vertical vibratory finishing equipment, an orthogonal experiment was conducted using TC4 titanium alloy plate as the experimental specimen. We performed variance analysis of the impact of vibration frequency, the phase difference, the mass of upper eccentric block, and the mass of lower eccentric block on the MRR. We then drew the main effect diagram and analyzed the influence of [...]

Our summary: High-precision prediction model developed for material removal rate of TC4 titanium alloy in vertical vibratory finishing using orthogonal experiment and neural network with genetic algorithm optimization, achieving 95.5% accuracy.

Prediction Model, Material Removal Rate, TC4 Titanium Alloy, Vertical Vibratory Finishing


The Strength of Ti-6AL-4V Investigated Using Micro-Pillars

Published on 2025-02-28 by Rayan B. M. Ameen, Dilveen W. Mohammed, Yu-Lung Chiu, Ian P. Jones @MDPI

Abstract: Focused Ion Beam (FIB) has been used to create single α-β colony micro-pillars from a polycrystalline commercial Ti-6Al-4V (Ti-64) sample. Each pillar was selected to have either a single alpha phase, a single beta phase, or two α lamella separated by a thin β phase filet. Then, utilizing a diamond flat tip as a compression platen, uniaxial micro-compression tests were performed on the single crystal α and β pillars[...]

Our summary: Investigation of Ti-6AL-4V strength using micro-pillars, Uniaxial micro-compression tests on single crystal pillars, Comparison of mechanical properties in alpha-beta colonies.

Ti-6AL-4V, Micro-Pillars, Focused Ion Beam (FIB), EBSD


Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys to Correlate Their Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

Published on 2025-02-28 by Anoop Kumar Maurya, Pasupuleti Lakshmi Narayana, Jong-Taek Yeom, Jae-Keun Hong, Nagireddy Gari Subba Reddy @MDPI

Abstract: The heat treatment process of Ti-6Al-4V alloy alters its microstructural features such as prior-β grain size, Widmanstatten α lath thickness, Widmanstatten α volume fraction, grain boundary α lath thickness, total α volume fraction, α colony size, and α platelet length. These microstructural features affect the material’s mechanical properties (UTS, YS, and %EL). The relationship betwee[...]

Our summary: ANN model correlates microstructure and mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloys, investigating complex relationships using experimental datasets, identifying key microstructural parameters affecting UTS.

Artificial Neural Network, Ti-6Al-4V Alloys, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties


Synthesis of the Titanium Oxides Using a New Microwave Discharge Method

Published on 2025-02-28 by Marian Mogildea, George Mogildea, Sorin I. Zgura, Gabriel Chiritoi, Cristian Ionescu, Valentin Craciun, Petronela Prepelita, Natalia Mihailescu, Alexandru Paraschiv, Bogdan Stefan Vasile, Catalin Daniel Constantinescu @MDPI

Abstract: This research highlights the different behaviors of titanium (Ti) wires under the action of 500 W and 800 W microwave power levels. Following the interaction between microwaves and a titanium wire placed in the node of the (TM011—transverse magnetic mode) waveguide in air at atmospheric pressure, plasma was generated. Using optical emission spectroscopy technique it was observed that during plasma generation at 500 W and 800 W microwaves powers, metallic ions, and gas ions were cre[...]

Our summary: Different behaviors of titanium wires under 500 W and 800 W microwave power levels were studied, resulting in the synthesis of TiO2 and TiO nanoparticles. Plasma generation at both power levels fulfilled local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions, with nanoparticles ranging from 5 nm to 200 nm in size.

Titanium Oxides, Microwave Discharge Method, Plasma Generation, Nanoparticles


Scintillation module of a heterogeneous detector, obtained by 3d printing

Patent published on the 2025-01-15 in UA under Ref UA158289U by INSTITUTE FOR SCINTILLATION MATERIALS OF THE NAT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE [UA] (Sibiliev Mykola Lvovych [ua], Kolesnikov Oleksandr Volodymyrovych [ua], Sibilieva Tetiana Hryhorivna [ua])

Abstract: Scintillation module of a heterogeneous detector, obtained by 3D printing, contains a scintillator layer based on extruded polystyrene, on which a reflector layer made of a mixture of polystyrene and titanium dioxide is applied. Additionally, an absorber made of a metal alloy is applied to the reflector layer.[...]

Our summary: A scintillation module for a heterogeneous detector is created using 3D printing technology, featuring layers of extruded polystyrene, a reflector layer of polystyrene and titanium dioxide, and an absorber layer of metal alloy.

scintillation module, heterogeneous detector, 3D printing, extruded polystyrene


Method for obtaining polycrystalline composite material based on cubic boron nitride

Patent published on the 2025-01-08 in UA under Ref UA158219U by V BAKUL INSTITUTE FOR SUPERHARD MATERIALS OF THE NAT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE [UA] (Klymenko Serhii Anatoliiovych [ua], Manokhin Andrii Serhiiovych [ua], Naidenko Artem Hryhorovych [ua], Chumak Anatolii Oleksandrovych [ua], Melniichuk Yurii Oleksiiovych [ua], Kopieikina Maryna Yuriivna [ua], Osipov Oleksandr Serhiiovych [ua)

Abstract: A method for obtaining a composite material based on polycrystalline cubic boron nitride includes coating cubic boron nitride micropowder with a binder, namely a TiN layer, by titanium gas transport deposition and subsequent sintering. In this case, titanium is used in the amount of 3-5 wt. % of the cubic boron nitride micropowder content.[...]

Our summary: Method for obtaining polycrystalline composite material based on cubic boron nitride involves coating micropowder with TiN layer using titanium gas transport deposition and sintering with 3-5 wt. % titanium content.

polycrystalline, composite material, cubic boron nitride, TiN layer


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