The most complete online checksum calculator for HEX numbers or ASCII strings we have encountered. It will return in 1 go:
- CheckSum8 Xor
- CheckSum8 Modulo 256 (Sum of Bytes % 256)
- CheckSum8 2s Complement (0x100 – Sum Of Bytes)
- CRC-16-CCITT, CRC-CCITT (X.25, V.41, HDLC, XMODEM, Bluetooth, SD …)
- CRC-16-IBM, CRC-16-ANSI (Bisync, Modbus, USB, ANSI X3.28 …)
- CRC-16-T10-DIF (SCSI DIF) CRC-16-DNP (DNP, IEC 870, ModBus)
- CRC-16-DECT (Cordless Telephones)
- CRC-32 (ISO 3309, ANSI X3.66, FIPS PUB 71, FED-STD-1003, ITU-T V.42, Ethernet, SATA, MPEG-2, Gzip, PKZIP, POSIX cksum, PNG, ZMODEM)
- CRC-32C Castagnoli (iSCSI, SCTP, payload, SSE4.2)
- CRC-32K (Koopman)
- CRC-32Q (aviation, AIXM)
With most of the time, both the Big Endian and the Little Endian, in normal, reversed and reverse reciprocal
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