How to Price a New Product Based on Its Features and Benefits
Pricing your tech product based on what customers think it’s worth can boost your revenue by 30%. This fact shows how important smart pricing is. A good strategy for pricing […]
Le marketing est le processus de création de valeur pour une entreprise par la création et la distribution de produits ou de services. Il comprend l'identification des besoins et des désirs des clients, le développement d'une offre unique et la création d'un plan pour atteindre les clients avec cette offre, et en tant que tel, il est généralement la première et la dernière étape d'un projet de développement de produit.
Pricing your tech product based on what customers think it’s worth can boost your revenue by 30%. This fact shows how important smart pricing is. A good strategy for pricing […]
:Did you know Amazon first sold used college textbooks? Now, they sell millions more items. This only shows one aspect of the power of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). It
2Free Pro Ideation Game inside! For 70 years, the Danish Lego company has produced the most famous toy on earth. Not only are these bricks a nice technical tolerancing challenge
Designers: do you know the difference between customer experience (CX) and user experience (UX) design? While this could be the learning of a full life, here are some basics. The
No Designer or Product Manager will forget the end customer using the product for its primary function. But providing added value to all actors in the product chain + in
Versatility in Product Design is risky: by trying to combine too many features, the risk is to obtain either a complicated product, fragile, costly or reaching none of the intended
Une excellente vidéo d'Aaron Draplin et LinkedIn sur la conception d'un logo et la recherche d'idées et de concepts nécessaires. De nombreux conseils sont également applicables à tout processus créatif.
Obviously marketing topic, but reviewed here from a product design perspective and long-term brand building. We acknowledge that some will be attracted by these short-term technics rather than looking at
Il nous est arrivé à tous, de temps en temps, de lire un PowerPoint agréable et technique, où, bon sang, il y avait 2 à 3 acronymes par phrase. Bien que chacun d'entre eux
So your product is out, top-notch, and well-established so is the brand? And now what? Now comes the time for Product Evolutions to stay ahead on top of the wave.
Good shelve positioning is key for selling in supermarkets where competition is tough. Here can designers come into play for the Packaging Design: breakfast cereals or milk are by nature
Among other Steve Jobs sentences, this one became Product Introduction history, with even some parodies, but there is much more than this communication technique here. The tools and the coherence