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thermoplastics vs thermosets

Comparaison entre les thermoplastiques et les thermodurcissables

Did you know thermosetting plastiques like epoxy resins are more heat resistant after curing? They are also more chemically stable compared to thermoplastics. This strength ...
unique selling proposition (USP)

Product Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Definition and Strategies

A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is crucial for setting your business apart. It highlights what’s special about your product or service in a busy market. ...
product life failure curve

Understanding the Bathtub Curve & Product Life Failure

Have you heard about the famed failure rate shown by the bathtub curve? It highlights key phases in a product’s life cycle. The product life ...
Digital Twins in R&D

Jumelage numérique : conseils, outils et mode d'emploi pour R&D et l'innovation

Au cours des cinq prochaines années, les nouveaux produits représenteront $30 milliards de dollars de revenus pour les entreprises. Cela met en évidence jumeau numérique technology’s huge potential in Research and ...
Minimum Viable Product

Le produit minimum viable (MVP) dans le développement de produits : Les meilleurs conseils

:Did you know Amazon first sold used college textbooks? Now, they sell millions more items. This only shows one aspect of the power of the ...
LED technology

Comment utiliser la technologie LED pour des conceptions innovantes

Did you know LED lights can shine for up to 50,000 hours? That’s about 50 times longer than old-style bulbs. LEDs are changing the lighting ...


product design for circular economy

Circular Economy & Product Design Practices

Did you know every year we throw away materials worth about $2.6 trillion? These are from goods we use quickly and then discard. This large ...
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

Analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) : Le guide complet

Did you know Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) uncovers the hidden environmental costs of our daily items? It shows more than 70% of a product’s environmental ...


Le modèle ADKAR : Un guide pour la gestion du changement personnel

Have you ever asked yourself what leads to successful personal changes? The ADKAR model was created by Jeff Hiatt of Prosci in 1996. This method ...

8D Problem Solving: The Comprehensive Guide

The 8D problem solving method was developed by Ford Motor Company in the late 1980s. Today, it’s one of the key tools for organizations worldwide ...

Competitive Analysis with Porter’s Five Forces

Did you know industries with easy entry often make less money and control less market? This interesting point shows why knowing your competition matters. Michael ...

Kotter’s 8-step Process: A Guide to Effective Organizational Changes

Did you know a successful organizational change has only a 30% chance? This fact highlights the need for a careful strategy in change management. Harvard ...


Lampe de poche rechargeable par induction

Un bon exemple de produit rechargeable par induction est celui où l'énergie est produite par le mouvement d'une pile à combustible. aimant through a coil, thus illustrating ...

Examen de la conception du mini-drone Quadcopter

When lightweight is not just a cost optimization but the main criteria of the product to function. Can you make a military tank fly? Or ...

Examen de la conception des lampes frontales

A great engineered headlamp product, with the usage of many plastic tricks, a tight assembly, an all-in-one electronic board, and optics, all designed in a ...

Examen de la conception de la pompe Handyman

When an unexpected liquid transfer is required, providing it is short-term usage and not too high flow capacity, these pumps become very handy. The particular ...


Comment sont fabriquées les bouteilles en plastique

Due to their performance yet cheap price, plastic bottles are the highest volume of consumable plastic parts produced, which converts into the highest plastic pollution ...

Let mécanique combine software & electronics into successful products. Puis-je apporter mon aide en tant que Product Dev, R&D Manager ou Project Manager ?
Développement efficace des produits

Disponible à court terme en France et en Suisse.
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Design-to-cost, Ergonomics, Medium to high-volume, Regulated industries, CE & FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Lean Sigma Black Belt, medical ISO 13485 Class II & III


wearable technological tattoos

Tatouages technologiques modernes : Quand les technologies portables améliorent l'art corporel

Did you know nearly 40% of millennials sport a tattoo? The Pew Research Center revealed this. Tattoos have been meaningful for ages. Now, tech tattoos ...
Lego Lean Creative

Best 2 LEGO Lean Creative Advertisings & Free Ideation Game

2Free Pro Jeu d'idées inside! For 70 years, the Danish Lego company has produced the most famous toy on earth. Not only are these bricks ...
Anamorphose de Michael Murphy

Meilleure collection Anamorphose

Un site anamorphosis is an art technique that distorts an image so that it appears normal only when viewed from a particular angle or with a ...

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