Best 2 LEGO Lean Creative Advertisings & Free Ideation Game
2Free Pro Ideation Game inside! For 70 years, the Danish Lego company has produced the most famous toy on earth. Not only are these bricks a nice technical tolerancing challenge […]
2Free Pro Ideation Game inside! For 70 years, the Danish Lego company has produced the most famous toy on earth. Not only are these bricks a nice technical tolerancing challenge […]
An anamorphosis is an art technique that distorts an image so that it appears normal only when viewed from a particular angle or with a special mirror or lens. It
Artist Jigar Patel shares his CGI view on how modern logos are “created”. Very fun and creative moments. And because we are, we can not resist listing many technics
Not only for engineers(cliche!): learn to solve the Rubik’s Cube in less than 2h. Rarely has any puzzle lasted so long. Almost fifty years after its invention, the Rubik’s Cube©
The operators may move fast on the production line, make straightforward repetitive tasks and put their best effort into it … this is by far not the fastest production technics.
Where engineers’ creativity is used to fake work activity. In these times of more and more remote work and home office, of course, we do not recommend any of what
Funny memes spread over the internet faster than fire in the bush. The reason is not only the funny aspects, but it’s also mainly because they convey a big part
Pour ceux qui pensent que cela n'est possible que dans un jeu vidéo... le voici, un excellent jeu de billes en 2D.
Do you think you have a good deal? just look better. Just in case, we calculated that for you: this “exceptional” deal is … a -1(one) cent special offer !!!
un simple examen des motos Bla Bla Car, toutes visuelles
une brève ventilation du marché des boissons non alcoolisées en Europe, juste à partir d'observations et d'artefacts dans un aéroport.
Il nous est arrivé à tous, de temps en temps, de lire un PowerPoint agréable et technique, où, bon sang, il y avait 2 à 3 acronymes par phrase. Bien que chacun d'entre eux