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Latest Publications on Robotics

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications on Robotics, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on blockchain, cryptocurrency, proof of work, consensus mechanism, proof of stake, tokenization, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum and NFT.

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Integrating Social Media Sentiment and Historical Data

On 2025-02-04 by Hla Soe Htay, Mani Ghahremani, Stavros Shiaeles @MDPI

Abstract: Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, is renowned for its extreme volatility and speculative nature, making accurate price prediction a persistent challenge for investors. While recent studies have employed multivariate models to integrate historical price data with social media sentiment analysis, this study focuses on improving an existing univariate approach By incorporating sentiment and tweet volume data into a multivariate framework, we systematically evaluated the benefits of this integ[...]

AI summary: Integrating social media sentiment and historical data is crucial. Study focuses on improving univariate approach by incorporating sentiment and tweet volume data into multivariate framework. Multi-LSTM-Sentiment model achieves best performance. Social media sentiment enhances decision-making in cryptocurrency market.

social media sentiment, historical data, Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, multivariate models, LSTM-based models, predictive modelling


A Novel Adaptive Non-Singular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Direct Yaw Moment Control in 4WID Electric Vehicles

On 2025-02-04 by Jung Eun Lee, Byeong Woo Kim @MDPI

Abstract: This study proposes an adaptive non-singular fast terminal sliding mode control (NFTSMC)-based direct yaw moment control (DYC) strategy to enhance driving stability in four-wheel independent drive (4WID) electric vehicles. Unlike conventional SMC, the proposed method dynamically adapts to system uncertainties and reduces chattering, a critical issue in control applications. The approach begins with the development of an NFTSMC method, analyzing its performance to identify areas for improvement. [...]

AI summary: Novel adaptive NFTSMC method enhances driving stability in 4WID electric vehicles. Method dynamically adapts to system uncertainties and reduces chattering. Adaptive switching law adjusts sliding gain in real time. Simulation results show significant improvements in tracking accuracy and driving stability.

adaptive, non-singular, fast terminal sliding mode control, direct yaw moment control, 4WID electric vehicles, chattering, robustness


A Systematic Review

On 2025-02-03 by Lilian Danil, Siti Jahroh, Rizal Syarief, Asep Taryana @MDPI

Abstract: In a start-up, the level of technological innovation is crucial to the start-up&amp;rsquo;s competitiveness, especially in the digital age; as a result, high-tech start-ups stand a better chance of being more profitable than middle-tech and low-tech start-ups. The aim of this study is to identify and examine research papers regarding the role of technological innovation in advancing Sustainable Development Goal 8 (SDG) in the current context. This study intends to fill research gaps by perfo[...]

AI summary: Importance of technological innovation for start-ups, Review of research on SDG 8 advancement, Analysis of start-up technology use, Impact of high, medium, and low technologies on SDG 8.

technological innovation, start-up technologies, systematic literature review, Sustainable Development Goal 8, PRISMA guidelines


Blockchain-Enhanced Demand-Side Management for Improved Energy Efficiency and Decentralized Control

On 2025-02-03 by Ameni Boumaiza @MDPI

Abstract: Blockchain technology introduces significant advancements in demand-side management (DSM) by enabling decentralized, transparent, and secure data handling within energy systems. This study explores a blockchain-based approach aimed at improving electricity efficiency through enhanced DSM strategies. We present a comprehensive framework that integrates blockchain technology with real-time data analytics to optimize energy consumption, stimulate consumer participation, and support efficient energy[...]

AI summary: Improved energy efficiency through blockchain-enhanced demand-side management. Decentralized, transparent, and secure data handling. Integration of blockchain with real-time data analytics. Strengthening DSM operations, reducing costs, increasing participation, and enhancing grid stability.

blockchain, demand-side management, energy efficiency, decentralized control, real-time data analytics, consumer participation, grid stability


A Novel Approach Assessed in the Caribbean Sea

On 2025-02-02 by David Francisco Bustos Usta, Lien Rodríguez-López, Rafael Ricardo Torres Parra, Luc Bourrel @MDPI

Abstract: Sea surface temperature (SST) plays a pivotal role in air&amp;ndash;sea interactions, with implications for climate, weather, and marine ecosystems, particularly in regions like the Caribbean Sea, where upwelling and dynamic oceanographic processes significantly influence biodiversity and fisheries. This study evaluates the performance of foundational models, Chronos and Lag-Llama, in forecasting SST using 22 years (2002&amp;ndash;2023) of high-resolution satellite-derived and in situ da[...]

AI summary: Novel approach evaluated in Caribbean Sea. Models compared for SST forecasting. Chronos outperforms Lag-Llama. Highlights benefits and limitations of foundational models for accurate predictions. Benchmark established for future research.

forecasting, sea surface temperature, Chronos, upwelling, foundational models


An Empirical Study

On 2025-02-01 by Polina Bobrova, Paolo Perego @MDPI

Abstract: The design of Web3 applications presents unique challenges due to their complex technical requirements. Despite the increasing spread of this technology, there is a notable lack of comprehensive, empirically grounded design guidelines for developing user-friendly Web3 interfaces. This study addresses this gap through a systematic three-phase approach: (1) developing initial guidelines from a literature review and industry sources (n = 31), (2) conducting evaluations using a 14-point framework ba[...]

AI summary: Unique challenges in designing Web3 applications addressed through empirical study. Initial guidelines developed and tested across diverse applications. Framework emphasizes progressive disclosure and user education for enhanced interface design. Findings contribute to academic and industry practices for creating user-friendly decentralized applications.

empirical study, web3 applications, design guidelines, user-friendly interfaces, task-oriented organization, structured framework, decentralized applications


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