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Latest Publications on Augmented Reality (AR)

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications on Augmented Reality (AR), between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on augmented reality, mixed reality, computer vision, haptic feedback, AR headset, marker-based tracking, wearable AR, interactive experience and immersive technology.

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Enhancing Injury Prevention in Football Through Real-Time Biomechanical Monitoring and Mixed Reality Feedback

On 2025-02-04 by Anna Davidovica, Guna Semjonova, Lydia Kamynina, Linda Lancere, Alise Jonate, Signe Tomsone, Aleksejs Katasevs, Aleksandrs Okss, Sergejs Davidovics @MDPI

Abstract: Football players, particularly in youth leagues, face a high risk of lower limb injuries due to improper movement patterns. While programs like FIFA 11+ help reduce injuries, they lack real-time, personalized feedback for biomechanical correction. This concept protocol outlines the development of a DAid&amp;reg; smart socks-based biofeedback system that integrates biomechanical monitoring with mixed reality (MR) feedback to enhance injury prevention. The DAid&amp;reg; &amp;#65039; sm[...]

AI summary: Development of DAid® smart socks for real-time biomechanical monitoring and MR feedback in football injury prevention. Plantar pressure tracking and COP analysis with Meta Quest 3 MR headset for instant movement pattern adjustments. Framework for evaluating system feasibility and effectiveness in optimizing biomechanics and reducing injury risks. Advancement in injury prevention strategies through wearable technology and MR-based feedback for rehabilitation and performance training.

biomechanical monitoring, mixed reality feedback, injury prevention, smart socks, real-time feedback


Impact of Running Clothes on Accuracy of Smartphone-Based 2D Joint Kinematic Assessment During Treadmill Running Using OpenPifPaf

On 2025-02-04 by Nicolas Lambricht, Alexandre Englebert, Anh Phong Nguyen, Paul Fisette, Laurent Pitance, Christine Detrembleur @MDPI

Abstract: The assessment of running kinematics is essential for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including anterior cruciate ligament sprains. Recent advances in computer vision have enabled the development of tools for quantifying kinematics in research and clinical settings. This study evaluated the accuracy of an OpenPifPaf-based markerless method for assessing sagittal plane kinematics of the ankle, knee, and hip during treadmill running using smartphone video footage and examined the impact of c[...]

AI summary: impact of clothing on kinematic assessment accuracy, evaluation of OpenPifPaf method for treadmill running, minimal impact of clothing on results, potential of markerless method for research and clinical applications.

running clothes, smartphone-based, 2D joint kinematic assessment, OpenPifPaf, markerless method


Cross-Modal Interaction Between Perception and Vision of Grasping a Slanted Handrail to Reproduce the Sensation of Walking on a Slope in Virtual Reality

On 2025-02-04 by Yuto Ohashi, Monica Perusquía-Hernández, Kiyoshi Kiyokawa, Nobuchika Sakata @MDPI

Abstract: Numerous studies have previously explored the perception of horizontal movements. This includes research on Redirected Walking (RDW). However, the challenge of replicating the sensation of vertical movement has remained a recurring theme. Many conventional methods rely on physically mimicking steps or slopes, which can be hazardous and induce fear. This is especially true when head-mounted displays (HMDs) obstruct the user&amp;rsquo;s field of vision. Our primary objective was to reproduce t[...]

AI summary: Study explores reproducing sensation of walking uphill in VR using haptic feedback and visual simulation. Conventional methods pose safety risks. Tactile presentation on handrail device alleviates fear and enhances perception of vertical movement.

virtual reality, cross-modal interaction, perception, vision, haptic sensation


Perceived Brightness and Resolution of Holographic Augmented Reality Retinal Scan Glasses

On 2025-02-03 by Maximilian Rutz, Pia Neuberger, Simon Pick, Torsten Straßer @MDPI

Abstract: Augmented reality display performance depends strongly on features of the human visual system. This is especially true for retinal scan glasses, which use laser beam scanning and transparent holographic optical combiners. Human-centered approaches allow us to go beyond conventional optical metrology and evaluate display performance as it is perceived in actual augmented reality use cases. Here, we first present a theoretical formula for the retinal scan luminance and ambient contrast ratio calcu[...]

AI summary: Perceived brightness and resolution are crucial for holographic augmented reality retinal scan glasses. Human-centered approaches are essential for evaluating display performance. A theoretical formula is presented for retinal scan luminance and contrast ratio. Psychophysical experiments are conducted to assess perceived resolution in augmented reality settings.

brightness, resolution, holographic, retinal scan, augmented reality


Distributed and High-Quality Object Query for Enhanced Dense Detection in Remote Sensing

On 2025-02-01 by Chenglong Li, Jianwei Zhang, Bihan Huo, Yingjian Xue @MDPI

Abstract: With the widespread application of remote sensing technologies and UAV imagery in various fields, dense object detection has become a significant and challenging task in computer vision research. Existing end-to-end detection models, particularly those based on DETR, often face criticism due to their high computational demands, slow convergence rates, and inadequacy in managing dense, multi-scale objects. These challenges are especially acute in remote sensing applications, where accurate analys[...]

AI summary: Widespread remote sensing technology applications require enhanced dense object detection. Existing models face criticism for computational demands and slow convergence rates. DHQ-DETR framework with Distribution Focus Loss and High-Quality Query Selection modules improves performance for real-world tasks. Superior results achieved on COCO, DOTAv1.0, and Visdrone datasets.

distributed, object query, remote sensing, dense detection, DHQ-DETR


6-DoF Pose Estimation from Single RGB Image and CAD Model Retrieval Using Feature Similarity Measurement

On 2025-02-01 by Sieun Park, Won-Je Jeong, Mayura Manawadu, Soon-Yong Park @MDPI

Abstract: This study presents six degrees of freedom (6-DoF) pose estimation of an object from a single RGB image and retrieval of the matching CAD model by measuring the similarity between RGB and CAD rendering images. The 6-DoF pose estimation of an RGB object is one of the important techniques in 3D computer vision. However, in addition to 6-DoF pose estimation, retrieval and alignment of the matching CAD model with the RGB object should be performed for various industrial applications such as eXtended[...]

AI summary: 6-DoF pose estimation and CAD model retrieval from single RGB image. Pose estimation network enhanced with uncertainty weight and feature attention modules. Retrieval of CAD model based on image similarity measurement. Experimental results show positive correlation between pose estimation and CAD retrieval performance.

pose estimation, CAD model retrieval, 6-DoF, feature similarity measurement, computer vision


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