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Latest Publications on Acoustics

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications on Acoustics, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on acoustic, sound waves, acoustic absorption, sound pressure, acoustic impedance, frequency response, reverberation, waveform and Doppler.

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Observations and Numerical Modelling of the Sumatra Tsunami of 28 March 2005

On 2025-02-04 by Alisa Medvedeva, Alexander Rabinovich @MDPI

Abstract: On 28 March 2005, a major Mw 8.6 earthquake occurred near Nias and Simeulueislands, in the vicinity of northwestern Sumatra (Indonesia). The earthquake generated a significant tsunami. Although it was not as destructive as the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, the 2005 event was of sufficient strength to be recorded by tide gauges throughout the entire Indian Ocean. We selected 12 records for analysis, most from open-ocean islands but also some from continental stations. The maximum wave heights were measur[...]

AI summary: Analysis of the 2005 Sumatra Tsunami through numerical modeling and observations, comparing it to the 2004 event. Exploring wave heights, periods, and energy index. Seismic solution used to construct a numerical model, mapping the spatial wave field. Location and orientation of the source area influence on propagating tsunami waves analyzed.

Numerical Modelling, Tsunami, Sumatra, Earthquake, Observations


Integrating Visitor Engagement in Biodiversity Strategies

On 2025-02-04 by Trace Gale, Andrea Ednie, Karen Beeftink, Andrea Báez Montenegro @MDPI

Abstract: This study investigates visitor soundscape perceptions in Queulat National Park (QNP), Chile, to inform biodiversity conservation strategies amid rising anthropogenic pressures. By analyzing responses at two sites&amp;mdash;Lagoon and Overlook&amp;mdash;during peak tourist periods, this research examines how visitor experiences align with protected area management goals. A one-minute listening exercise was followed up by a survey to gather data on perceived sounds and their appeal. The r[...]

AI summary: Study on visitor perceptions in QNP, Chile. Analysis of soundscape experiences. Importance of visitor involvement in acoustic monitoring. Promoting educational venues for biodiversity conservation.

visitor engagement, biodiversity strategies, soundscape perceptions, acoustic monitoring, conservation strategies, protected areas, biodiversity preservation


Real-Time Modeling of Static, Dynamic and Mixed Eccentricity in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines

On 2025-02-04 by Ramón Pérez, Jérôme Cros, Mathieu Picard @MDPI

Abstract: Eccentricity faults are one of the main causes that significantly affect the performance of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs). Monitoring eccentricity in real time could prevent failures by adapting operation conditions and maintenance schedule when early signs of deterioration are detected. This article proposes making a circuit-type model of a permanent magnet machine with an easily configurable eccentricity for simulations and real-time analysis of signals under different operatin[...]

AI summary: Monitoring eccentricity in real-time for prevention, proposing a circuit model for simulation and analysis, validating results through experiment and practical experimentation, accurate reproduction of PMSM behavior.

modeling, real-time, eccentricity, permanent magnet synchronous machines, circuit-type, bilinear interpolation, validation


Voltage Distribution on Transformer Windings Subjected to Lightning Strike Using State-Space Method

On 2025-02-04 by ?lker Ar?, Mehmet Salih Mami? @MDPI

Abstract: Transient analysis in power systems is essential for identifying deficiencies in the system, as well as for the protection and design of equipment. Transients can arise from natural events or network operations; in either case, they have the potential to cause significant damage to transmission lines, protection devices, generators, or transformers. This study examines a 20 kA, 1.2/50 &amp;micro;s lightning strike on a distributed-parameter transmission line connected to a power transformer.[...]

AI summary: Essential for identifying deficiencies in systems, lightning strike study on transformer winding voltage distribution, state-space method compared to ATP-EMTP, grounding resistance impact on voltage distribution.

Voltage Distribution, Transformer Windings, Lightning Strike, State-Space Method, Transient Analysis, Power Systems, Transmission Line


Dynamic Response Simulation for a Novel Single-Point Mooring Gravity-Type Deep-Water Net Cage Under Irregular Wave and Current

On 2025-02-04 by Guoliang Pang, Chengyu Wan, Liuyang Sui, Shiyao Zhu, Hangfei Liu, Gen Li, Taiping Yuan, Yu Hu, Qiyou Tao, Xiaohua Huang @MDPI

Abstract: This study investigated the structural response characteristics of a novel single-point mooring gravity-type deep-water (SPM-GDW) net cage under irregular waves and currents. A hydrodynamic numerical model of the cage was created and validated through model experiments. Based on the validated cage model, the structural response characteristics such as cage motion response, mooring line forces, and floating collar stress were studied, considering the actual operating conditions in the target sea [...]

AI summary: Investigated structural response characteristics of SPM-GDW net cage under irregular waves and currents. Created and validated hydrodynamic numerical model. Studied cage motion response, mooring line forces, floating collar stress. Results show impact of wave conditions and current on cage motion and load distribution.

dynamic response, simulation, single-point mooring, gravity-type, deep-water, net cage, irregular wave


Innovative EMD-Based Technique for Preventing Coffee Grinder Damage from Stones with FPGA Implementation

On 2025-02-04 by Chiang Liang Kok, Yuwei Dai, Yit Yan Koh, Maoyang Xiang, Tee Hui Teo @MDPI

Abstract: Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages globally, with Americans averaging 3.1 cups per day. However, before coffee beans can be brewed into a drinkable form, they undergo several critical stages, including harvesting, processing, roasting, grinding, and extraction. During the processing and roasting phases, a significant challenge arises: stones that are similar in size and shape to coffee beans can inadvertently mix into the batch. These stones are difficult to detect using convent[...]

AI summary: Preventing coffee grinder damage from stones with innovative EMD-based technique and FPGA implementation. Detection of stones through acoustic wave analysis. Replacing damaged burrs is costly and requires calibration. Stones can cause equipment damage and financial losses.

EMD, Technique, Preventing, Coffee Grinder, Stones, FPGA Implementation, Innovative


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