Casa " Unità di separazione dell'aria

Unità di separazione dell'aria

Unità di separazione dell'aria

Mostra come i gas vengono estratti dall'aria in fase liquida, quindi separati grazie al processo di distillazione frazionata in un'unità di separazione dell'aria (ASU) industriale e poi compressi in bombole di gas.

I gas più tipici prodotti dalla distillazione: Azoto, Ossigeno e Argon (spesso chiamati "gas dall'aria" in contrapposizione ai gas prodotti da altre fonti, solitamente con un processo chimico)

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Related Readings & Technologies

  • Cryogenic Distillation: Understanding the principles and operation of cryogenic distillation, which is the primary method used in air separation units to separate gases like nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.
  • Assorbimento a pressione oscillante (PSA): Exploring this technology as an alternative or complementary method to separate gases based on their adsorption properties under varying pressure conditions.
  • Membrane Separation Technology: Studying the use of membrane processes for gas separation, which can be an energy-efficient alternative for specific applications within air separation.
  • Material Science for Cryogenics: Investigating materials suitable for low-temperature operations to enhance the durability and efficiency of air separation equipment.
  • Safety and Environmental Considerations: Developing safety protocols and understanding environmental impacts associated with air separation operations, including handling cryogenic substances safely.
  • Industrial Applications of Separated Gases: Understanding the various industrial applications and markets for the gases produced in air separation units, such as in steel manufacturing, chemical processing, and healthcare.
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