
Latest Publications & Patents on Kinematics

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Robust Regression and Redundant Measurement Noise Estimation Adaptive Filtering for Localization in Urban Environments

Published on 2025-02-20 by Li Zha, Hai Zhang, Aiping Wang, Cancan Tao @MDPI

Abstract: This paper focuses on a solution of target self-positioning when a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is denied. It is composed of Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), Signals of Opportunities (SOPs), and a navigation prototype. One of the options for navigation via SOP (NAVSOP) is to utilize cellular signals, such as Long Time Evolution (LTE). When the prior information is insufficient, the location of the base station (BS) is obtained by collecting the demodulation of the downlink signal,[...]

Our summary: Solution for target self-positioning in urban environments using INS, SOPs, and NAVSOP with LTE signals, introducing robust regression and RMNCE for improved accuracy, validated through simulation and vehicle test.

Robust Regression, Redundant Measurement Noise Estimation, Adaptive Filtering, Localization


Formation Mechanism and Motion Characteristics of Multiple Jets in Spherical Section Free Surface Electrospinning

Published on 2025-02-19 by Jing Yin, Lan Xu @MDPI

Abstract: In this study, during the efficient preparation of nanofibers using a spherical section free surface electrospinning (SSFSE) device with different sphere radii, the formation mechanism and motion characteristics of multiple jets were thoroughly investigated through the numerical simulation method. The mechanical model of multiple jets was established, and the key role of electric field intensity in the formation and motion of jets was defined; in addition, the relationship between the jet initia[...]

Our summary: Investigation of multiple jets formation and motion in spherical section free surface electrospinning through numerical simulation. Establishment of mechanical model and key role of electric field intensity. Determination of optimal device for efficient nanofiber preparation.

Formation Mechanism, Motion Characteristics, Spherical Section, Free Surface


Tracking the Evolution of Cutaneous Melanoma by Multiparameter Flow Sorting and Genomic Profiling

Published on 2025-02-19 by Luca Roma, Thomas Lorber, Sabrina Rau, Michael T. Barrett, Caner Ercan, Federica Panebianco, Salvatore Piscuoglio, Katharina Glatz, Lukas Bubendorf, Christian Ruiz @MDPI

Abstract: Intratumoral heterogeneity and clonal evolution are pivotal in the progression and metastasis of melanoma. However, when combined with variable tumor cellularity, intratumoral heterogeneity limits the sensitivity and accuracy of uncovering a cancer’s clonal evolution. In this study, we combined fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) with whole-exome sequencing (WES) to investigate the clonal composition and evolutionary patterns in seven melanoma biopsies obtained from three pa[...]

Our summary: Tracking clonal evolution in melanoma using multiparameter flow sorting and genomic profiling reveals significant heterogeneity and highlights the importance of analyzing tumor trajectories.

clonal evolution, multiparameter flow sorting, genomic profiling, intratumoral heterogeneity


Characterization of Laser-Textured Surfaces of Parts of a Biodegradable Polymer

Published on 2025-02-19 by Petronela-Daniela Rusu (Ostahie), Oktawian Bialas, Anna Wozniak, Marcin Adamiak, Augustine Appiah, Catalin Tampu, Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Panagiotis Kyratsis, Anastasios Tzotzis, Alexandra Nedelcu, Teodor-Daniel Mindru, Dumitru Nedelcu @MDPI

Abstract: Surface texturing entails surface alteration through forming, microgrooving, microdimpling, and microchanneling. This is achieved by laser micromachining, in addition to other related methods, of a substrate surface. The present paper describes the surface characteristics obtained after the laser texturing of a biodegradable polymer (Arbofill Fichte) with four and six passes in hexagonal and square patterns. The results of the wettability test indicate that this biodegradable polymer has a surfa[...]

Our summary: Characterization of laser-textured surfaces of biodegradable polymer parts. Surface alteration achieved through laser micromachining. Hexagonal geometry offers greater stability and consistency compared to square geometry.

Laser micromachining, Surface texturing, Biodegradable polymer, Wettability test


A Dynamic Trajectory Temporal Density Model for Analyzing Maritime Traffic Patterns

Published on 2025-02-19 by Dapeng Jiang, Guoyou Shi, Lin Ma, Weifeng Li, Xinjian Wang, Guibing Zhu @MDPI

Abstract: This study investigates the spatiotemporal density aggregation and pattern distribution of vessel traffic amidst bustling maritime logistics scenarios. Firstly, a relatively new spatiotemporal segmentation and reconstruction method is proposed for ship AIS trajectories to address trajectory disruptions caused by berthing, anchorage, and other factors. Subsequently, a trajectory filtering algorithm utilizing time window panning is introduced to mitigate position jumps and deviation errors in traj[...]

Our summary: This study presents a novel dynamic trajectory temporal density model for analyzing maritime traffic patterns, utilizing spatiotemporal segmentation and reconstruction methods, trajectory filtering algorithms, and spatial gridding techniques. A case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed method in identifying spatiotemporal patterns and density aggregation states in maritime traffic.

dynamic trajectory, temporal density model, maritime traffic, spatiotemporal patterns


Closed-Loop Transient Longitudinal Trajectory Tracking for Connected Vehicles

Published on 2025-02-19 by Lingyun Hua, Guoming Zhu @MDPI

Abstract: Vehicle longitudinal trajectory tracking plays a significant role in developing ecorouting and autonomous driving systems to handle various disturbances and uncertainties (e.g., road grade, gust wind, etc.) that are often ignored by the optimization strategies used to generate reference controls and trajectories. In this paper, based on a linearized vehicle model with the help of feedback linearization, a linear quadratic integral tracking (LQIT) control is utilized to generate regulation laws t[...]

Our summary: Linearized vehicle model with feedback linearization used to develop LQIT control for optimal speed and brake distance trajectories, unified Kalman filter for state estimation, simulation studies validate effectiveness.

Closed-Loop, Transient, Longitudinal, Trajectory Tracking


Hinge and foldable device

Patent published on the 2025-02-19 in EP under Ref EP4509733 by HUAWEI TECH CO LTD [CN] (Li Kaixu [cn], Xiao Zhenlin [cn], Zhong Ding [cn], Fan Wen [cn])

Abstract: This application provides a hinge and a foldable device, and relates to the field of electronic device technologies, to resolve problems of a complex structure and poor stability of a hinge. The hinge provided in this application includes a main shaft, a first folding component, and a second folding component. The first folding component and the second folding component are symmetrically disposed on two sides of the main shaft. The first folding component and the second folding component can rot[...]

Our summary: Hinge and foldable device application with a simple structure and increased stability through arc-shaped surfaces, resolving complex structure issues.

hinge, foldable device, electronic device technologies, stability


Mixed reality batting system

Patent published on the 2025-02-13 in WO under Ref WO2025035047 by BATTING CHALLENGE HOLDINGS INC [US] (Farrell Matthew J [us], Stark Timothy Kyle [us])

Abstract: A method of processing a swing in a batting simulator, including providing batting simulator system having a bat, a ball, a batter's box, two or more sensors configured to detect a trajectory and an exit velocity of the ball traveling past a predetermined position, and a controller which is arranged in signal communication with the two or more sensors. The method further including receiving, by the controller, an execution metric, a batter difficulty setting, the trajectory and the exit velocity[...]

Our summary: Method of processing swing in batting simulator using sensors to detect ball trajectory and exit velocity, controller receiving metrics and outputting swing success metric.

batting simulator, mixed reality, sensors, controller


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