Visita a la fábrica

visitas a fábricas de cuchillos

Fabricación de cuchillos: Visitas a la fábrica

These factory tours will show all the techniques and processes of probably the oldest -yet still used- tool on the earth, ie knife manufacturing. This involves steel selection, coating or […]

Fabricación de PCB en China

PCB Manufacturing: the Process & Efficiently

Printed circuit boards, or PCBs, are the foundation of most electronic devices and is achieved through the PCB manufacturing process. They are made by layering thin sheets of copper onto

Fabricación de bombonas de gas

Fabricación de cilindros de gas

Made by extruding metal dies, either by cold or hot forming, the gas cylinders initially made of steel, are now made also in aluminum when the portability and the light

Pressure Gauges 1522794962

Fabricación de manómetros

Muestra bien una versión semiautomática (existen otros procesos) de fabricación de manómetros, tipo tubo bourdon.

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