
Latest Publications & Patents on Titanium

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Tuning Dielectric Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Powders with B4C and TiC via Ti4+ Electron Binding Energy Optimization

Published on 2025-02-22 by Wenshu Zhang, Hui Chang, Ning Dang, Lian Zhou @MDPI

Abstract: In this study, Ti-6Al-4V (TC4) powder was uniformly mixed with B4C and TiC, respectively. Subsequently, the dielectric properties of the B4C/TC4 and TiC/TC4 composite powders were measured. Meanwhile, XPS analysis was used to deeply analyze different atoms in these samples to obtain the electron binding energy data of each atom. The experimental results show that even when there is no phase structure transformation between B4C, TiC, and TC4, the dielectric coefficient of the composite powder and[...]

Our summary: Tuning dielectric properties of Ti-6Al-4V powders with B4C and TiC via Ti4+ electron binding energy optimization. Uniform mixing of Ti-6Al-4V (TC4) powder with B4C and TiC. Measurement of dielectric properties of B4C/TC4 and TiC/TC4 composite powders. XPS analysis for electron binding energy data.

Dielectric Properties, Ti-6Al-4V, B4C, TiC


The Influence of Rare Earth Metals on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of 220 and 356.1 Alloys for Automotive Industry

Published on 2025-02-21 by Herbert W. Doty, Shimaa El-Hadad, Ehab Samuel, Agnes M. Samuel, Fawzy H. Samuel @MDPI

Abstract: Application of rare earths (RE) as grain refiners is well-known in the technology of aluminum alloys for the automotive industry. In the current study, Al-2.4%Cu-0.4%Mg alloy (coded 220) and Al-7.5%Si-0.35%Mg alloy (coded 356.1), were prepared by melting each alloy in a resistance furnace. Strontium (Sr) was used as a modifier, while titanium boride (TiB2) was added as a grain refiner. Measured amounts of Ce and La were added to both alloys (max. 1 wt.%). The alloy melts were poured in a preheat[...]

Our summary: Influence of rare earth metals on microstructure and mechanical properties of 220 and 356.1 aluminum alloys for automotive industry. Application of rare earths as grain refiners. Study on the effect of Ce and La additions, TiB2 grain refiner, and Sr modifier on alloy properties.

Rare Earth Metals, Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, Aluminum Alloys


Optimizing Cutting Parameters for Enhanced Control of Temperature, Cutting Forces, and Energy Consumption in Dry Turning of Ti6Al4V Alloy

Published on 2025-02-21 by Manuel Herrera Fernández, Sergio Martín-Béjar, Lorenzo Sevilla Hurtado, Francisco Javier Trujillo Vilches @MDPI

Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of cutting parameters (cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut) on cutting temperature, forces, and energy consumption during the dry turning of Ti6Al4V, providing an optimized machining strategy to improve efficiency and sustainability. Due to the challenges of machining this alloy, such as high temperatures and tool wear, response surface methodology (RSM) was used to develop second-degree polynomial models, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) identifie[...]

Our summary: Study on optimizing cutting parameters for enhanced control of temperature, cutting forces, and energy consumption in dry turning of Ti6Al4V alloy using response surface methodology and gray relational analysis. Valuable tool for industry to improve efficiency and sustainability in titanium alloy machining.

Cutting Parameters, Temperature Control, Energy Consumption, Ti6Al4V Alloy


Ultra High Efficiency Solar Capture Device Based on InAs Nanoring Microstructure

Published on 2025-02-19 by Zao Yi, Xiangchao Yao, Qianju Song, Xianwen Wu @MDPI

Abstract: As a widely used clean energy source, solar energy has demonstrated significant promise across various applications due to its wide spectral range and efficient absorption performance. This study introduces a cross-structured, ultra-broadband solar absorber utilizing titanium (Ti) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) as its foundational materials. The absorber exhibits over 90% absorption within the 280–4000 nm wavelength range and surpasses 95% absorption in the broader spectrum from 542 t[...]

Our summary: Study introduces ultra-broadband solar absorber utilizing Ti and TiO2 materials, achieving over 90% absorption in wide spectral range. Absorber exhibits excellent thermal stability and high efficiency thermal radiation properties, making it ideal for solar energy applications. Absorber is insensitive to light polarization and can adapt to diverse environmental conditions, suitable for solar photovoltaic systems.

Solar Capture Device, InAs Nanoring, Ultra High Efficiency, Broadband Absorption


Oxidation–Reduction of Ti-6Al-4V in Direct Energy Deposition Subject to Minimum Argon Consumption

Published on 2025-02-19 by Bharadwaja Ragampeta, Prashansa Ragampeta, Todd Sparks, Frank Liou @MDPI

Abstract: Ti-6Al-4V is a well-known alloy for its low density and excellent corrosion resistance, making it popular in aerospace, marine, medical, and automotive applications. However, at elevated temperatures, the alloy forms oxides, leading to embrittlement. In additive manufacturing, particularly in the direct energy deposition (DED) process, which involves high temperatures, the alloy experiences oxidation. An inert gas chamber provides shielding during the process but limits the size of the manufactu[...]

Our summary: Development of a novel approach for reducing shield gas consumption during Ti-6Al-4V additive manufacturing using a direct energy deposition process. Investigation of optimal flow rates and design of a prototype nozzle attachment system for conformal shielding. Achieved 85% reduction in argon consumption compared to other studies.

Oxidation-Reduction, Ti-6Al-4V, Direct Energy Deposition, Shield Gas Consumption


Compression Behaviour of L-PBF-Manufactured Ti6Al4V BCC Lattices

Published on 2025-02-18 by John Daniel Arputharaj, Shahrooz Nafisi, Reza Ghomashchi @MDPI

Abstract: Laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) is a widely used additive manufacturing technique that enables the creation of complex lattice structures with applications in biomedical implants and aerospace components. This study investigates the impact of relative density and the geometric parameters (unit cell size and strut diameter) of body-centred cubic (BCC) lattices on the compressive mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V (Ti64) lattices manufactured using continuous wave L-PBF. The as-built and heat-trea[...]

Our summary: Impact of geometric parameters on compressive properties of Ti6Al4V lattices fabricated using L-PBF, including the effects of relative density and unit cell size, and strut diameter. Evaluation of mechanical properties and microstructural changes in as-built and heat-treated samples. Fractography analysis reveals differences in fracture characteristics and ductility between samples.

Compression Behaviour, L-PBF, Ti6Al4V, BCC


Scintillation module of a heterogeneous detector, obtained by 3d printing

Patent published on the 2025-01-15 in UA under Ref UA158289U by INSTITUTE FOR SCINTILLATION MATERIALS OF THE NAT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE [UA] (Sibiliev Mykola Lvovych [ua], Kolesnikov Oleksandr Volodymyrovych [ua], Sibilieva Tetiana Hryhorivna [ua])

Abstract: Scintillation module of a heterogeneous detector, obtained by 3D printing, contains a scintillator layer based on extruded polystyrene, on which a reflector layer made of a mixture of polystyrene and titanium dioxide is applied. Additionally, an absorber made of a metal alloy is applied to the reflector layer.[...]

Our summary: A scintillation module for a heterogeneous detector is created using 3D printing technology, featuring layers of extruded polystyrene, a reflector layer of polystyrene and titanium dioxide, and an absorber layer of metal alloy.

scintillation module, heterogeneous detector, 3D printing, extruded polystyrene


Method for obtaining polycrystalline composite material based on cubic boron nitride

Patent published on the 2025-01-08 in UA under Ref UA158219U by V BAKUL INSTITUTE FOR SUPERHARD MATERIALS OF THE NAT ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF UKRAINE [UA] (Klymenko Serhii Anatoliiovych [ua], Manokhin Andrii Serhiiovych [ua], Naidenko Artem Hryhorovych [ua], Chumak Anatolii Oleksandrovych [ua], Melniichuk Yurii Oleksiiovych [ua], Kopieikina Maryna Yuriivna [ua], Osipov Oleksandr Serhiiovych [ua)

Abstract: A method for obtaining a composite material based on polycrystalline cubic boron nitride includes coating cubic boron nitride micropowder with a binder, namely a TiN layer, by titanium gas transport deposition and subsequent sintering. In this case, titanium is used in the amount of 3-5 wt. % of the cubic boron nitride micropowder content.[...]

Our summary: Method for obtaining polycrystalline composite material based on cubic boron nitride involves coating micropowder with TiN layer using titanium gas transport deposition and sintering with 3-5 wt. % titanium content.

polycrystalline, composite material, cubic boron nitride, TiN layer


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