
Latest Publications & Patents on Aeronautics

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications and patents in english on Aeronautics, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on aeronautic, aerodynamic, avionic, thrust, winglet, empennage, fuselage, flight envelope and Mach number.

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Parametric Simulation Study of Liquid Film Cooling of Hydrocarbon Liquid Rocket Engine

Published on 2025-02-22 by Huixin Yang, Haoyu Zou, Zeming Song, Wenhao Yu @MDPI

Abstract: The hydrocarbon liquid rocket engine working environment is harsh; the thrust chamber needs to withstand high temperatures and a high-pressure working environment, and the thrust chamber wall material is difficult to bear, so it is necessary to design the cooling structure to reduce the gas damage to the chamber wall. Liquid film cooling is a common cooling method for hydrocarbon rocket engines, and numerical simulation is an important method for studying liquid film cooling. Most of the liquid [...]

Our summary: Study of liquid film cooling for hydrocarbon rocket engines using parametric simulation. Development of a numerical calculation method for variable-configuration engines. Creation of high-energy rocket engine design software with visualization interface for improved design efficiency.

Parametric Simulation Study, Liquid Film Cooling, Hydrocarbon Liquid Rocket Engine, Numerical Simulation


Design and Analysis of a Micro–Electro-Mechanical System Thruster for Small Satellites and Low-Thrust Propulsion

Published on 2025-02-21 by Yubin Zhong, Fabrizio Ponti, Francesco Barato, Guojun Xia, Siyu Li, Xiao Zhang, Tao Wu @MDPI

Abstract: As a cost-effective and versatile solution, small satellites are increasingly being considered for space exploration. However, one of the major challenges in deploying small satellites for high total impulse missions, particularly deep space exploration, lies in the propulsion system. These missions face strict constraints in terms of volume, mass, and power budgets. This paper proposes a potential solution to this issue through the design of a bipropellant MEMS thruster. Simulation results indi[...]

Our summary: Design of a bipropellant MEMS thruster for small satellites offers superior performance and is a promising alternative for high total impulse missions.

Micro-Electro-Mechanical System, Thruster, Small Satellites, Low-Thrust Propulsion


Enhancing Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade Aerodynamic Performance Under Rough Wall Condition Using Vortex Generators

Published on 2025-02-21 by Yingjian Yang, Dian Wang, Hairui Zhang, Rongyu Zha, Guangxing Wu, Chang Cai, Jianhua Zhang, Qing’an Li @MDPI

Abstract: In the complex and harsh working environment of wind turbines, the horizontal axis wind turbine blade is increasingly confronted with the issue of surface roughening. It leads to a decrease and instability in the output power of the horizontal axis wind turbine. Vortex generator have emerged as a potential solution to this problem by regulating the flow patterns on the blade surface. This research focuses on exploring the impact of vortex generator on the aerodynamic performance of blades under [...]

Our summary: Enhancing aerodynamic performance of horizontal axis wind turbine blade under rough wall condition using vortex generators. Vortex generators regulate flow patterns on the blade surface, delaying flow separation and improving lift-drag ratio. Experiment and simulation show significant improvement in power coefficient and roughness insensitivity.

aerodynamic performance, horizontal axis wind turbine, vortex generator, rough wall condition


Influence of Vertical/Spanwise Offsets on Aerodynamic Performance of Double Serpentine Nozzles

Published on 2025-02-21 by Xuyong Zhang, Yong Shan, Jingzhou Zhang @MDPI

Abstract: Serpentine exhaust systems, known for their infrared and radar stealth capabilities, are becoming standard in flying wing aircraft. However, their design is constrained by the fuselage layout, causing potential offsets between the engine and nozzle exit axes. Developing a universal, high-performance serpentine nozzle design that accommodates various vertical and spanwise offsets (ΔZ, ΔY) presents a significant challenge. A series of ‘Preferred Nozzles&am[...]

Our summary: Influence of Vertical/Spanwise Offsets on Aerodynamic Performance of Double Serpentine Nozzles, Impact of Offsets on Flow Characteristics, Performance of Preferred and Modest Nozzles

aerodynamic performance, serpentine nozzles, vertical offsets, spanwise offsets


A New Modified Blade Element Momentum Method for Calculating the Aerodynamic Performance of a Wind Turbine in Yaw

Published on 2025-02-21 by Jiaying Wu, Zhenye Sun, Weijun Zhu, Shifeng Fu, Chang Xu, Wenzhong Shen @MDPI

Abstract: The yaw state constitutes a typical operating condition for wind turbines. However, the widely used Blade Element Moment (BEM) theory, due to its adoption of planar disc assumptions, introduces certain computational inaccuracies in yaw conditions. This research aims to develop a new modified BEM method by replacing the momentum theory in traditional BEM with the Madsen analytical linear two-dimensional actuator disc model in order to enhance the accuracy in calculating the aerodynamic performanc[...]

Our summary: Development of a new modified BEM method using Madsen analytical model to improve accuracy in yawed wind turbines, Evaluation against experimental data and software models, Significant reduction in discrepancies at various spanwise locations.

Blade Element Momentum Method, Aerodynamic Performance, Wind Turbine, Yaw


Analysis of Flutter Characteristics for Composite Laminates in Hypersonic Yawed Flow

Published on 2025-02-21 by Shuang Cao, Tongqing Guo, Jiangpeng Wu, Di Zhou, Ennan Shen @MDPI

Abstract: This paper investigates the flutter characteristics of composite laminates in hypersonic yawed flow using numerical simulations. The governing equations are derived based on Hamilton’s principle and were discretized using the assumed mode method. The unsteady aerodynamic force is calculated by using the piston theory, including the influence of the yaw angle. Several laminate models are designed to study the effects of the stacking sequence, thickness ratio, and fiber orientation o[...]

Our summary: This paper analyzes the flutter characteristics of composite laminates in hypersonic yawed flow through numerical simulations, investigating the effects of stacking sequence, thickness ratio, and fiber orientation on critical dynamic pressure and limit cycle oscillation amplitude. Results show that positioning higher stiffness material on the upper layer increases critical dynamic pressure and decreases oscillation amplitude, while increasing thickness of stiffer material can suppress oscillation amplitude at large yaw angles. Symmetry of fiber orientation to the x-axis improves flight stability.

flutter characteristics, composite laminates, hypersonic yawed flow, numerical simulations


Method and system to use computing device to obtain operator preferences and configurations used by avionics processing unit

Patent published on the 2025-02-19 in EP under Ref EP4510061 by HONEYWELL INT INC [US] (Srinivasan Divya Swarup Giriyappa [us], Judd Thomas D [us])

Abstract: A method and system for airline operation center (AOC) data communications are disclosed. The method comprises providing a computing device for use onboard an aircraft, with the computing device hosting at least one application configured to interact with at least one avionics processing unit onboard the aircraft. The method further comprises automatically retrieving, by the at least one application, AOC information for storage and processing on the computing device, and transmitting by the at l[...]

Our summary: Method and system for using a computing device to obtain operator preferences and configurations for avionics processing unit, including data communications for airline operation center, onboard aircraft application interaction, and AOC information retrieval and transmission.

computing device, operator preferences, avionics processing unit, airline operation center


Fluid flow simulation

Patent published on the 2025-02-19 in EP under Ref EP4510034 by ROLLS ROYCE PLC [GB] (Loh Jessica Sher En [gb], Arafat Naheed Anjum [gb], Kong Wai Kin Adams [gb], Chan Wai Lee [gb], Conduit Bryce D [gb], Lim Wei Xan [gb], Oo Thant Zin [gb])

Abstract: A method of using a computer implemented neural network for a simulation of aerodynamic performance of a technical object having a geometry, the method comprising:Training the neural network using a plurality of sets of encodings of pre-computed computational fluid dynamics, CFD, outputs, wherein the training is generated using inputs comprising:a geometry of at least one training technical object;spatial locations of input nodes of the neural network as node attributes;a relationship between th[...]

Our summary: Method using neural network for aerodynamic simulation of technical objects, training with pre-computed CFD outputs, generating predicted aerodynamic performance.

Fluid flow simulation, neural network, aerodynamic performance, computational fluid dynamics


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