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Latest Publications & Patents on Space Exploration

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Research on Disturbance Compensation Control and Parameter Identification of a Multiple Air-Bearing Planar Air-Floating Platform Based on ADRC

Published on 2025-02-19 by Chuanxiao Xu, Guohua Kang, Junfeng Wu, Zhen Li, Xinyong Tao, Jiayi Zhou, Jiaqi Wu @MDPI

Abstract: The spacecraft microgravity simulation air-bearing platform is a crucial component of the spacecraft ground testing system. Special disturbances, such as the flatness and roughness of the contact surface between the air bearings and the granite platform, increasingly affect the control accuracy of the simulation experiment as the number of air bearings increases. To address this issue, this paper develops a novel compensation control system based on Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC), w[...]

Our summary: Research develops novel compensation control system based on ADRC for multiple air-bearing planar air-floating platform. Dynamic model established, cascade ADRC algorithm designed, parameters identified using Gauss-Newton iteration method. Experimental results show improved control precision for spacecraft ground simulation system.

ADRC, Parameter Identification, Air-Bearing Platform, Disturbance Compensation


Thickness Model of the Adhesive on Spacecraft Structural Plate

Published on 2025-02-19 by Yanhui Guo, Peibo Li, Yanpeng Chen, Xinfu Chi, Yize Sun @MDPI

Abstract: This paper establishes a physical model for the non-contact rotary screen coating process based on a spacecraft structural plate and proposes a theoretical expression for the adhesive thickness of the non-contact rotary screen coating. The thickness of the adhesive is a critical factor influencing the quality of the optical solar reflector (OSR) adhesion. The thickness of the adhesive layer depends on the equivalent fluid height and the ratio of the fluid flow rate to the squeegee speed below th[...]

Our summary: Physical model for non-contact rotary screen coating process based on spacecraft structural plate proposed. Theoretical expression for adhesive thickness of non-contact rotary screen coating established. Critical factor for quality of optical solar reflector adhesion.

adhesive thickness, non-contact rotary screen coating, spacecraft structural plate, rheology


ISAR Image Quality Assessment Based on Visual Attention Model

Published on 2025-02-14 by Jun Zhang, Zhicheng Zhao, Xilan Tian @MDPI

Abstract: The quality of ISAR (Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar) images has a significant impact on the detection and recognition of targets. Therefore, ISAR image quality assessment is a fundamental prerequisite and primary link in the utilization of ISAR images. Previous ISAR image quality assessment methods typically extract hand-crafted features or use simple multi-layer networks to extract local features. Hand-crafted features and local features from networks usually lack the global information of IS[...]

Our summary: ISAR image quality assessment is crucial for target detection and recognition. A Gramin Transformer is proposed to extract features containing quality-related information. The Channel Attention Block and Inter-Region Attention Block enhance the evaluation of ISAR images, outperforming traditional methods.

ISAR, Image Quality Assessment, Visual Attention Model, Transformer


Integrated Design and Experiment of a Micro-Vibration Isolation and Pointing Platform for Large Space Optical Payloads Based on Voice Coil Motors

Published on 2025-02-14 by Yilin Guo, Jian Zhou, Zehao Gao, Bo Feng, Minglong Xu @MDPI

Abstract: This paper presents the design of an integrated micro-vibration isolation and pointing platform with a four-leg structure, incorporating pitch and yaw adjustment functions using voice coil motors. The primary objective is to mitigate the impact of spacecraft-generated micro-vibrations on the pointing accuracy and imaging clarity of large space optical payloads while adhering to lightweight requirements. The research methodology encompasses three main phases. Initially, a simplified dynamic model[...]

Our summary: Design of integrated micro-vibration isolation and pointing platform using voice coil motors to mitigate spacecraft-generated vibrations and improve pointing accuracy for large space optical payloads. Ground test verification system demonstrates effective vibration isolation and pointing capabilities.

micro-vibration isolation, pointing platform, voice coil motors, PID control


A Review of Technologies and Challenges

Published on 2025-02-14 by Tale Saeidi, Saeid Karamzadeh @MDPI

Abstract: With their compact design and versatility, CubeSats have emerged as critical platforms for advancing space exploration and communication technologies. However, achieving reliable and efficient communication in the dynamic and constrained environment of low Earth orbit (LEO) remains a significant challenge. Beam-steering antenna systems offer a promising solution to address these limitations, enabling adaptive communication links with improved gain and coverage. This review article provides a com[...]

Our summary: A comprehensive review of CubeSat communication technologies, focusing on beam-steering antennas and addressing challenges in LEO environment. Cutting-edge techniques like phased array systems and metasurface-based designs are explored for enhanced performance. This study provides insights for researchers and engineers on current trends and future opportunities in CubeSat communications.

CubeSats, communication, beam-steering antennas, challenges


Ascent Trajectory Optimization Using Second-Order Birkhoff Pseudospectral Methods

Published on 2025-02-13 by Xiaopeng Xue, Yujia Xie, Hui Zhou, Qinghai Gong, Dangjun Zhao @MDPI

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel convex optimization framework for two-stage launch vehicle (TSLV) ascent trajectory planning from liftoff to orbit insertion, featuring two groundbreaking advancements over existing convex optimization methodologies: (1) an innovative second-order Birkhoff pseudospectral (BPS) method is developed that reduces the number of dynamic equality constraints by 50% compared to traditional PS methods, meanwhile, an augmented variable transcription technique is used to formula[...]

Our summary: This paper introduces a novel convex optimization framework for TSLV ascent trajectory planning, utilizing second-order Birkhoff pseudospectral methods and an innovative iterative solution strategy. The proposed method shows a 50% reduction in computational time compared to traditional methods, making it suitable for real-time onboard implementation.

Convex optimization, Birkhoff pseudospectral methods, Trajectory planning, Launch vehicle


A device for intercepting a space object

Patent published on the 2025-01-08 in UA under Ref UA158174U by OLES HONCHAR DNIPRO NATIONAL UNIV [UA] (Dron Mykola Mykhailovych [ua], Holubek Oleksandr Viacheslavovych [ua], Dreus Andrii Yuliiovych [ua], Dubovyk Liudmyla Hryhorivna [ua], Kulyk Oleksii Volodymyrovych [ua], Proroka Vladyslav Arkadiiovych [ua], Abaturov Anatolii Oleksandrovych [)

Abstract: A space object interceptor device contains a space object tracking means, a motion control system that provides motion control using space object tracking means, a jet engine, a communication means for interacting with a ground station and receiving information about the flight path, and interception means. Contains a suborbital launch vehicle with an active space object interceptor and at least one means of collecting and diverting debris formed as a result of possible destruction of a space ob[...]

Our summary: A device for intercepting space objects with a motion control system and jet engine, equipped with communication means for interacting with a ground station. Contains a suborbital launch vehicle with interception and debris diversion capabilities.

space object interceptor, motion control system, jet engine, communication means


Information reception station from spacecraft remote sensing of the earth

Patent published on the 2025-01-01 in UA under Ref UA158094U by POLISSIA NATIONAL UNIV [UA] (Skydan Oleh Vasylovych [ua], Pyvovar Petro Viktorovych [ua], Topolnytskyi Pavlo Petrovych [ua], Franzhi Oleksandr Viktorovych [ua], Tokar Andrii Mykolaiovych [ua], Fedoniuk Tetiana Pavlivna [ua], Tereshchuk Volodymyr Ihorovych [ua], Rozhkov )

Abstract: The information receptionstation from the Earth’s remote sensing spacecraft consists of an antenna system, a high-frequency path, an antenna control system, a radio receiver and a data processing device. The high-frequency path is made in the form of two high-frequency amplifiers with band filters. The first amplifier with its strip filter is located on the irradiator of the antenna system and is connected directly to its output. The second amplifier with its strip filter is located on the ant[...]

Our summary: Information reception station from spacecraft remote sensing of the earth. Antenna system includes high-frequency path with amplifiers and band filters. Radio receiver connected to output of second amplifier. Antenna control system has computing device for targeting and control signals, support-rotating device with drives.

antenna system, high-frequency path, radio receiver, data processing device


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