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Latest Publications & Patents on Medical Devices

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Development of New Generation Portable Camera-Aided Surgical Simulator for Cognitive Training in Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

Published on 2025-02-18 by Yucheng Li, Victoria Nelson, Cuong T. Nguyen, Irene Suh, Suvranu De, Ka-Chun Siu, Carl Nelson @MDPI

Abstract: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) is the standard procedure for gallbladder removal, but improper identification of anatomical structures can lead to biliary duct injury (BDI). The critical view of safety (CVS) is a standardized technique designed to mitigate this risk. However, existing surgical training systems primarily emphasize haptic feedback and physical skill development, making them expensive and less accessible. This paper presents the next-generation Portable Camera-Aided Surgical Sim[...]

Our summary: Development of cost-effective PortCAS for cognitive skill acquisition in LC, prioritizing cognitive training over force-based interactions, providing accurate tracking performance.

Portable Camera-Aided Surgical Simulator, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Cognitive Training, Vision-Based Surgical Training


Procedure for Reconstruction, Modeling, and Fabrication Using Additive and Rapid Tooling Methods of a Training Model for Transsphenoidal Surgery

Published on 2025-02-18 by Giacomo Santona, Antonio Fiorentino, Francesco Doglietto, Mauro Serpelloni @MDPI

Abstract: The endoscopic transsphenoidal approach (ETA) is a novel approach used by neurosurgeons and otolaryngologists to treat pituitary adenoma, and it has a long learning curve. Training is mostly performed using cadaver heads, but their low availability and cost can limit their use. ETA training models can be used to overcome these limitations. In this panorama, additive manufacturing (AM) technologies represent a more flexible and cost-effective solution to fabricate custom-made training models. The[...]

Our summary: Procedure for developing a training model for endoscopic transsphenoidal surgery using AM technologies, including CT segmentation, STL file elaboration, and rapid parts tooling. The model is designed, 3D printed, or rapidly cast, and tested by an experienced neurosurgeon for feedback. Cost and time of prototype fabrication are also assessed.

Additive Manufacturing, Rapid Tooling, Reconstruction, Modeling


Comparative Study of Minimally Invasive Microwave Ablation Applicators

Published on 2025-02-18 by Nikolaos Karkanis, Theodoros N. F. Kaifas, Theodoros Samaras, George A. Kyriacou @MDPI

Abstract: This work presents a comparative analysis of microwave ablation applicators, including both antenna-based and open waveguide designs, which are guided and inserted into tumors via catheters. Applicators previously proposed in the literature are evaluated through both electromagnetic and thermal simulations. The objective is to assess temperature distribution within the tumor and surrounding healthy tissues; with a focus on identifying patterns of heat diffusion. Although a variety of applicators[...]

Our summary: Comparative study of microwave ablation applicators, evaluating antenna-based and open waveguide designs via electromagnetic and thermal simulations, to optimize treatment precision.

Microwave Ablation, Minimally Invasive, Antenna-based, Thermal Simulations


Enhancing Continuum Robotics Accuracy Using a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm and Closed-Loop Wire Transmission Model for Minimally Invasive Thyroid Surgery

Published on 2025-02-18 by Na Guo, Haoyun Zhang, Xingshuai Li, Xinnan Cui, Yang Liu, Jiachen Pan, Yajuan Song, Qinjian Zhang @MDPI

Abstract: To address the challenges of confined workspaces and high-precision requirements in thyroid surgery, this paper proposes a modular cable-driven robotic system with a hybrid rigid–continuum structure. By integrating rigid mechanisms and continuum joints within a closed-loop cable-driven framework, the system achieves a balance between flexibility in narrow spaces and operational stiffness. To tackle kinematic model inaccuracies caused by manufacturing errors, an innovative joint dec[...]

Our summary: Modular cable-driven robotic system proposed for high-precision thyroid surgery, integrating rigid and continuum structures. PSO algorithm used to improve accuracy by dynamically correcting critical parameters. Safety-zone-based force feedback control strategy validated for clinical applicability.

continuum robotics, particle swarm optimization, closed-loop wire transmission, minimally invasive surgery


Fatty Acid-Containing p(HEMA) Hydrogels; A Promising Coating Platform to Reduce Encrustation on Urinary Catheters

Published on 2025-02-17 by David S. Jones, Gavin P. Andrews, Turlough Hamill, Brendan F. Gilmore @MDPI

Abstract: Two significant clinical issues associated with the use of urinary catheters are catheter-associated urinary tract infection and encrustation. This study describes the design of novel hydrogels based on fatty acid-containing p(hydroxyethylmethacrylate, HEMA) and their resistance to both microbial adherence and encrustation. Incorporation of fatty acids increased the contact angle (surface hydrophobicity), decreased the ultimate tensile strength only after storage at pH 9 in artificial urine (AU)[...]

Our summary: Fatty acid-containing p(HEMA) hydrogels show promise in reducing encrustation on urinary catheters. Resistance to microbial adherence and encrustation demonstrated. Potential for use as coating platform for catheters.

Hydrogels, Fatty acids, Encrustation, Urinary catheters


A Study on Path Planning for Curved Surface UV Printing Robots Based on Reinforcement Learning

Published on 2025-02-16 by Jie Liu, Xianxin Lin, Chengqiang Huang, Zelong Cai, Zhenyong Liu, Minsheng Chen, Zhicong Li @MDPI

Abstract: In robotic surface UV printing, the irregular shape of the workpiece and frequent curvature changes require the printing robot to maintain the nozzle’s perpendicular orientation to the surface during path planning, which imposes high demands on trajectory accuracy and path smoothness. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a reinforcement-learning-based path planning method. First, an ideal main path is defined based on the nozzle characteristics, and then a robot motion ac[...]

Our summary: Study on path planning for curved surface UV printing robots using reinforcement learning. Proposed method improves trajectory accuracy and smoothness. Outperforms traditional methods with reduced errors and superior training speed.

Reinforcement Learning, Path Planning, UV Printing Robots, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning


Method and apparatus for epicardial access

Patent published on the 2025-02-13 in WO under Ref WO2025035046 by CIRCA SCIENT INC [US] (Willenbrink David [us])

Abstract: A medical device comprising a handle comprising a first actuator coupled to a first set of articulation cables; and a second actuator coupled. The device may include a shaft comprising a distal articulation section configured to bend with a distal articulation deflection angle and a distal articulation radius, wherein actuation of the first articulation member is configured to induce the distal articulation deflection angle in the distal articulation section. The device may further include a bal[...]

Our summary: Method and apparatus for epicardial access using a medical device with articulation cables and a shaft for bending and inducing deflection angle, including a configurable balloon.

epicardial access, medical device, articulation cables, shaft


A hearing system comprising a hearing aid and a processing device

Patent published on the 2025-02-12 in EP under Ref EP4507332 by OTICON AS [DK] (Riemer Lars [dk], Bergmann Martin [dk], Veng Christian [dk], Blix David Thorn [dk])

Abstract: A hearing aid system configured to compensate for a hearing impairment of a use comprises A) a wearable device adapted for being worn by the user and comprising a1) an input stage comprising at least one input transducer for converting sound around the user to at least one electric input signal representing said sound, and a2) an input stage for providing stimuli representative of a processed version of said least one electric input signal to said user, said stimuli being perceivable by said use[...]

Our summary: Wearable and non-wearable hearing aid system, low latency wireless communication, improved processing power, situation-dependent configuration

hearing system, processing device, hearing impairment, audio processor


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