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Latest Publications on Thermodynamics

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications on Thermodynamics, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on thermodynamic, heat transfer, entropy, enthalpy, specific heat, Gibbs, adiabatic, , carnot and internal energy.

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Synergistic Effects of a Novel Combination of Natural Compounds Prevent H2O2-Induced Oxidative Stress in Red Blood Cells

On 2025-02-05 by Giuditta Benincasa, Paola Bontempo, Ugo Trama, Claudio Napoli @MDPI

Abstract: Novel strategies to prevent the &amp;ldquo;storage lesions&amp;rdquo; of red blood cells (RBCs) are needed to prevent the risk of adverse effects after blood transfusion. One option could be the supplementation of stored blood bags with natural compounds that may increase the basal load of antioxidant protection and the shelf life of RBCs. In this pilot study, we investigated for the first time potential synergistic effects of a triple combination of well-known anti-oxidant compounds cur[...]

AI summary: Prevention of oxidative stress in red blood cells using novel combination of natural compounds. Experiments show synergistic effects of curcumin, vitamin E, and vitamin C in preventing hemolysis and lipid peroxidation. Ongoing research on anti-aging effects in cold-stored blood bags.

natural compounds, oxidative stress, red blood cells, antioxidant protection, synergistic effects, hemolysis, lipid peroxidation


Performance Comparison of Asymmetrical Multilevel Inverter with Different Switching Techniques

On 2025-02-05 by Ashish Srivastava, Anurag Chauhan, Anurag Tripathi @MDPI

Abstract: In the present context, the asymmetrical multilevel inverter (AMLI) with minimal switches is extensively used to achieve high power quality across a load. The conventional inverter suffers from the disadvantages of large system components, low efficiency, high THD, high losses, etc. The asymmetrical multilevel inverter therefore offers an appropriate alternative to address the key issues of conventional inverters. The present paper aims to analyze the performance comparison of the proposed 15-le[...]

AI summary: Comparison of AMLI performance with different switching techniques, Analysis of losses, Evaluation of performance parameters, Verification of simulation results with hardware arrangement.

performance, asymmetrical multilevel inverter, switching techniques, power quality, efficiency, THD, modulation technique


A Prediction of Estuary Wetland Vegetation with Satellite Images

On 2025-02-04 by Min Yang, Bin Guo, Ning Gao, Yang Yu, Xiaoli Song, Yanfeng Gu @MDPI

Abstract: Estuarine wetlands are the transition zone between marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems and are more ecologically fragile. In recent years, the spread of exotic vegetation, specifically Spartina alterniflora, in the Yellow River estuary wetlands has significantly encroached upon the habitats of native species such as Phragmites australis, Suaeda glauca Bunge, and Tamarix chinensis Lour. With advances in land prediction modeling, predicting wetland vegetation distribution can aid manage[...]

AI summary: Transitioning estuary wetland vegetation predicted with satellite images. Modeling predicts spread of invasive species in Yellow River estuary. Study uses satellite images and hydrodynamic modeling for accurate prediction. Scientific approach aids ecological restoration decision-making.

prediction, estuary wetland, satellite images, vegetation, invasive species


Spatial Distribution of Illex argentinus in Different Life Stages of Mesoscale Eddies in Patagonian Waters

On 2025-02-04 by Lichuan Zhang, Ping Zhang, Zhong Zhang, Wei Yu @MDPI

Abstract: Mesoscale eddies are known to influence the abundance and distribution of oceanic cephalopods. However, little is known about these effects in the southwest Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this study analyzed the variations in environmental conditions and the resource abundance, spatial distribution, and habitat suitability of Illex argentinus within different life stages of cyclonic (CE) and anticyclonic (AE) eddies in Patagonian waters. From a comparison of squid abundance between CEs and AEs at ea[...]

AI summary: Influence of mesoscale eddies on Illex argentinus distribution in Patagonian waters, variations in environmental conditions, abundance of squid resources, peak abundance during eddy maturation phase.

spatial distribution, mesoscale eddies, Illex argentinus, habitat suitability, environmental factors


Design and Demonstration of an Underwater High-Stability Rapid Cross-Domain Unpowered Vehicle

On 2025-02-04 by Zhiyi Yang, Kaiyan Hou, Yu Cui, Lu Liu, Jinglong Wen, Haozhe Zhang, Zujiang Yuan, Dan Liu, Chenyang Xue @MDPI

Abstract: Unpowered vehicles are designed for subaquatic operation and are capable of operating rapidly cross-domain. This paper presents a refined and optimized design for a high-stability rapid cross-domain unpowered vehicle. The use of a compact, uniquely configured gas generator maximizes the rapidity of the ascent phase, achieving an average underwater speed of more than 3.5 m/s, all without the need for an additional propulsion system. To enhance the stability of the unpowered vehicle during the cro[...]

AI summary: Refined design for a rapid unpowered underwater vehicle. Compact gas generator enhances ascent speed. Recoil compensation deceleration device increases launch and attitude adjustment capability. Rapid cross-domain launch mechanism allows for quick launch in real marine environments.

underwater vehicle, high-stability, rapid, cross-domain, unpowered


Observations and Numerical Modelling of the Sumatra Tsunami of 28 March 2005

On 2025-02-04 by Alisa Medvedeva, Alexander Rabinovich @MDPI

Abstract: On 28 March 2005, a major Mw 8.6 earthquake occurred near Nias and Simeulueislands, in the vicinity of northwestern Sumatra (Indonesia). The earthquake generated a significant tsunami. Although it was not as destructive as the 2004 Sumatra tsunami, the 2005 event was of sufficient strength to be recorded by tide gauges throughout the entire Indian Ocean. We selected 12 records for analysis, most from open-ocean islands but also some from continental stations. The maximum wave heights were measur[...]

AI summary: Analysis of the 2005 Sumatra Tsunami through numerical modeling and observations, comparing it to the 2004 event. Exploring wave heights, periods, and energy index. Seismic solution used to construct a numerical model, mapping the spatial wave field. Location and orientation of the source area influence on propagating tsunami waves analyzed.

Numerical Modelling, Tsunami, Sumatra, Earthquake, Observations


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