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Latest Publications on Electronics

This is our latest selection of worldwide publications on Electronics, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on electronics, resistor, capacitor, diode, transistor, PCB and microcontroller.

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Advances in Polyaniline-Based Composites for Room-Temperature Chemiresistor Gas Sensors

On 2025-02-03 by Clinton M. Masemola, Nosipho Moloto, Zikhona Tetana, Linda Z. Linganiso, Tshwafo E. Motaung, Ella C. Linganiso-Dziike @MDPI

Keywords: polyaniline, composites, chemiresistor, gas sensors, room-temperature

AI summary: Advances in using PANI-based composites for room-temperature gas sensors, Exploring the materials and mechanisms of PANI-based gas sensors, Highlighting the potential of PANI-based sensors for air quality monitoring, Instilling hope in safeguarding public health and the environment.

Abstract: The increasing rate of environmental pollution and the emergence of new infectious diseases have drawn much attention toward the area of gas sensors for air quality monitoring and early-stage disease diagnosis, respectively. Polyaniline (PANI) has become one of the extensively studied polymers in the area of chemical sensing due to its good conductivity and sensitivity at room temperature. The development of room-temperature gas sensors represents a significant leap forward in air quality monito[...]


A Novel Non-Resonant Full-Bridge Multi-Output Topology for Domestic Induction Heating Applications

On 2025-02-03 by Sezer Aslan, Ulas Oktay, Nihan Altintas @MDPI

Keywords: induction heating, non-resonant full-bridge, multi-output topology, silicon carbide, energy transfer

AI summary: High efficiency multi-load induction heating system utilizing non-resonant full-bridge technology with SiC devices. Optimization of energy transfer through coil design and advanced power regulation techniques. Achieved 96.78% efficiency at 50 kHz and 2000 W power level. Suitable for domestic induction heating applications.

Abstract: Induction heating technology plays a significant role in heating applications with its high efficiency, fast response, and precise control ability. Traditional resonant inverter-based systems face problems such as complexity, lack of flexibility, and low efficiency in multi-load situations. To overcome these issues, a new non-resonant full-bridge multiple-output inverter topology using silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor devices is presented. While the system is simplified by eliminating resonan[...]


An Envelope-to-Cycle Difference Compensation Method for eLoran Signals in Seawater Based on a Variable Step Size Least Mean Square Algorithm

On 2025-02-03 by Miao Wu, Liang Liu, Fangneng Li, Bing Zhu, Wenkui Li, Xianzhou Jin @MDPI

Keywords: compensation method, eLoran signals, seawater, dispersion effect, VSS-LMS algorithm

AI summary: Envelope-to-cycle difference compensation method proposed for eLoran signals in seawater using VSS-LMS algorithm. Impact of dispersion effects on Loran signals analyzed. Efficacy of algorithm demonstrated through experimentation and simulation. Depth of seawater affects ECD values of eLoran signals and cycle identification accuracy.

Abstract: The dispersion effect of seawater can cause the envelop distortion of underwater eLoran signals, which causes the envelope-to-cycle difference (ECD) to exceed the standard range. Furthermore, it results in incorrect cycle identification and significant positioning errors. However, few studies have focused on the distortion caused by the dispersion effect. In this study, we propose an accurate underwater eLoran ECD compensation method based on a variable step size least mean square (VSS-LMS) algo[...]


Real-Time Adaptive and Lightweight Anomaly Detection Based on a Chaotic System in Cyber&ndash;Physical Systems

On 2025-02-03 by Jung Kyu Park, Youngmi Baek @MDPI

Keywords: anomaly detection, cyber-physical systems, real-time, lightweight, chaotic system

AI summary: Real-Time Adaptive and Lightweight Anomaly Detection based on a Chaotic System in Cyber-Physical Systems, Proposal for efficient and secure anomaly detection in CPS, Unique key-sharing method for message authentication, 100% detection rate for all attacks

Abstract: When cyber&amp;ndash;physical systems (CPSs) are connected to the Internet or other CPSs with connectivity, external adversaries can potentially gain access to the CPS and attempt to control the electronic control units (ECUs). In particular, the lack of confidentiality and integrity in the controller area networks (CANs) of CPSs makes it difficult to distinguish malicious data from legitimate data. The security vulnerabilities of CPSs, which are frequently exposed to adversaries, pose the r[...]


Tunneling Current in a Double Quantum Dot Driven by Two-Mode Microwave Photons

On 2025-02-03 by Weici Liu, Faqiang Wang @MDPI

Keywords: tunneling current, double quantum dot, microwave photons, quantum master equation, electronic tunneling properties

AI summary: Study on tunneling current in double quantum dot system driven by two-mode microwave photons, analysis of electronic tunneling properties and effects of different quantum microwave photons, significant influence of squeezing coefficient and phase on tunneling current, crucial findings for manipulating transport properties of nanostructured double-quantum-dot systems.

Abstract: In this study, a model of a double-quantum-dot system driven by two-mode microwave photons is presented. The quantum master equation is derived from the system&amp;rsquo;s Hamiltonians, and the expression for the steady-state current is obtained. Electronic tunneling properties are then analyzed. The results revealed that different two-mode quantum microwave photons have varying effects on the tunneling current within the double-quantum-dot system, with a steplike current trend emerging. The[...]


Evolutionary Computing Control Strategy of Nonholonomic Robots with Ordinary Differential Equation Kinematics Model

On 2025-02-03 by Jiangtao Wu, Hong Cheng, Kefei Tian, Peinan Li @MDPI

Keywords: Evolutionary Computing, Control Strategy, Nonholonomic Robots, Ordinary Differential Equation, Kinematics Model

AI summary: Evolutionary Computing Control Strategy improves motion control accuracy, ECCS reduces control errors, Experiment results demonstrate effectiveness, ODE kinematics embedded in evolutionary computing framework

Abstract: This paper introduces an Evolutionary Computing Control Strategy (ECCS) for the motion control of nonholonomic robots, and integrates an ordinary differential equation (ODE)-based kinematics model with a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) strategy and a particle-based evolutionary computing (PEC) algorithm. The ECCS addresses the key challenges of traditional NMPC controllers, such as their tendency to fall into local optima when solving nonlinear optimization problems, by leveraging the [...]


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Diseño al coste, Ergonomía, Volumen medio a alto, Industrias reguladas, CE y FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Cinturón negro Lean Sigma, ISO 13485 médica Clase II y III

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