[innov_rss_filter topic=”Information Security (InfoSec)” kw=”information security|infosec|ransomware|authentication|phishing|malware|firewall|encryption|intrusion detection|intrusion prevention|zero-day exploit|multi-factor authentication|public key|private key|access control|denial of service|social engineering|security awareness|encryption|CIA triad|antivirus|cipher” logic=”OR” qty=”6″]

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    La meccanica combina software ed elettronica in prodotti di successo. Posso aiutare come Product Dev, R&D Manager o Project Manager?
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    Disponibile con breve preavviso in Francia e in Svizzera.
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    Design-to-cost, ergonomia, volumi medio-alti, industrie regolamentate, CE e FDA, CAD, Solidworks, Lean Sigma Black Belt, ISO 13485 Medico Classe II e III

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