Latest Publications & Patents on Climate Change
This is our latest selection of worldwide publications and patents in english on Climate Change, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on climate change, global warming, fossil fuel, net zero, paris agreement, sea level rise, ocean acidification, carbon pricing, climate adaptation, climate mitigation, climate justice, carbon offset, albedo, greenhouse gas and GHGs.
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Prevalence and Correlates of Actions to Address Climate Change in a Nationally Representative U.S. Sample of Adults
Published on 2025-02-22 by Carl Latkin, Hyojin Lee, Swathi Srinivasan, Ananya Bhaktaram, Lauren Dayton @MDPI
Abstract: Background: Climate change and sustainability are highly interconnected. Addressing climate change requires major social change and collective action. The current study examined the prevalence of, and factors associated with, four climate change activism behaviors in a U.S. nationally representative sample. Methods: Data were derived from the Pew Research Center American Trends Panel conducted in April 2021 of 13,749 panelists. Key outcomes included (1) attending a protest or rally addressing cl[...]
Our summary: Study examines climate change activism behaviors in U.S. adults, finding significant associations with psychosocial and demographic variables. Results show a fourth of participants engaged in climate change activism, with social and communication factors playing a key role.
climate change activism, prevalence, correlates, U.S. adults
Designing a Conceptual Digital Twin Architecture for High-Temperature Heat Upgrade Systems
Published on 2025-02-22 by Alexandru Matei, Alex Butean, Constantin-Bala Zamfirescu, José Daniel Marcos @MDPI
Abstract: Industrial processes often rely on high-temperature heat, traditionally generated through the combustion of fossil fuels. However, a significant shift towards renewable and sustainable heat sources is underway, supported by environmental policies and actions such as the European Green Deal. These renewable energy systems are complex and characterized by a high degree of interdependencies between various parameters. Optimizing and orchestrating these processes for efficient heat delivery requires[...]
Our summary: Designing a modular digital twin framework for high-temperature heat upgrade systems, addressing challenges in optimizing renewable energy processes, and advancing digital twin methodologies with a case study on the SUSHEAT project.
digital twin, high-temperature heat, renewable energy, system optimization
Spice and Fermented Pickles
Published on 2025-02-22 by Erica Costantini, Kofi Armah Boakye-Yiadom, Alessio Ilari, Ester Foppa Pedretti, Daniele Duca @MDPI
Abstract: Sea fennel, a halophyte with growing economic importance in the Mediterranean region, offers a rich source of bioactive compounds for diverse applications in various industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. Recognizing the crucial role of eco-design in promoting sustainable food production, this study aimed to assess the environmental impacts of two novel sea fennel products: dried spice and fermented pickles. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method was used to evaluate the env[...]
Our summary: Assessment of environmental impacts of sea fennel spice and fermented pickles using LCA method, highlighting primary packaging as a key environmental hotspot and providing insights for sustainable product development.
sea fennel, bioactive compounds, Life Cycle Assessment, environmental impacts
Early Identification Through Growth Parameters and Gene Expression at Germination Stage
Published on 2025-02-22 by Patrícia Afonso, Isaura Castro, Márcia Carvalho @MDPI
Abstract: Soil salinity is one of the most severe impacts of climate change, negatively affecting plant growth and development. Seed germination and seedling emergence are among the most critical stages susceptible to salt stress, making it important to explore them to identify the most resilient accessions for crop yield improvement. Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) is an important crop due to its ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, improving soil health, and its high protein content. The main object[...]
Our summary: Early identification of salt-resilient cowpea accessions through growth parameters and gene expression analysis at germination stage. Identification of resilient accessions for crop yield improvement. Evaluation of salt stress responses and gene regulation in cowpea.
gene expression, salt stress, cowpea, germination
Is Oil Really a Stumbling Block to Environmental Sustainability? From the Price Perspective
Published on 2025-02-22 by Meng Qin, Hongfang Jiang, Lidong Pang, Chiwei Su @MDPI
Abstract: The United States is exposed to the threats of massive carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions generated by non-renewable energy in reaching environmental sustainability. With the wavelet-based quantile-on-quantile approach, this paper delves into the impact of the most typical fossil fuel, oil, on CO2 emissions from a price perspective. The results highlight that oil is a mixed blessing for fostering environmental sustainability in the short–medium run. Mainly, CO2 emissions are more susce[...]
Our summary: Impact of oil on CO2 emissions from a price perspective, highlighting mixed blessing for environmental sustainability in short-medium run, with positive response to bullish oil market in medium term and negative relationship in long run, emphasizing importance of investing in green technologies for reducing dependence on oil.
oil, environmental sustainability, CO2 emissions, price perspective
Insights from 37 Years of Earth Observation on Landcover–Rainfall Interactions
Published on 2025-02-21 by Sullivan Tsay Fofang, Erasto Benedict Mukama, Anwar Assefa Adem, Stefaan Dondeyne @MDPI
Abstract: Land use/landcover (LULC) changes and climate variability impact soil erosion; however, their combined long-term effects are poorly studied. Using remote sensing data, this study investigates changes in LULC and rainfall from 1985 to 2022 and their implications for soil erosion in the Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia. The Global Land Cover Fine Classification System (GLC_FCS30D) data were used to analyze LULC changes; Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS-v2) were used [...]
Our summary: Study investigates LULC and rainfall changes in Lake Tana Basin, Ethiopia from 1985 to 2022. GLC_FCS30D and CHIRPS-v2 data used to analyze trends and estimate soil erosion. Significant spatial and temporal variation in potential soil loss observed.
Earth Observation, Landcover, Rainfall, Soil Erosion
Airmill power generator
Patent published on the 2024-09-27 in MY under Ref MY205009 by SOBA KUMARI A/P KRISHAN [MY] (S Anbarasu A/l Sithambaram [my], Soba Kumari A/p Krishan [my])
Abstract: Airmill power generator includes tower pole, nacelle housing central shaft with gearbox and generator, nose cone, and rotor assembly with propellers mounted on the rotor blades which is connected to nacelle and central shaft with a rotor. The crux of the invention is in the propeller mounting on the rotor blades. The propellers are connected to its own power source. Once the propellers are activated, the propulsion pushes the surrounding air in one direction and the resulting reaction pushes the[...]
Our summary: Airmill power generator utilizes propeller mounting on rotor blades to generate clean renewable power independently of wind velocity. The continuous movement of the rotor assembly creates power with no side effects. This innovative technology contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
propeller mounting, rotor assembly, renewable power, greenhouse gas emission
Supplement stimulating root system of plants in times of climate changes.
Patent published on the 2024-09-24 in MX under Ref MX2024011458 by MANEKO SPOL S R O [CZ] (Schulmann Jan [cz])
Abstract: The supplement containing up to 100 wt% of depolymerised residue after dry distillation of wood at a temperature of up to 300 °C is used to enrich the soil layer to a depth of 5 to 30 cm or when planting trees and shrubs to a depth according to the size of the root ball, with 0.5 to 9.9 wt% of depolymerised residue after dry distillation of wood at a temperature not exceeding 300 °C in relation to the weight of soil. In addition the supplement may contain up to 90 wt% of at least one subst[...]
Our summary: Supplement for stimulating root system of plants in times of climate changes, containing depolymerised residue from wood distillation. Can be used to enrich soil layer or when planting trees and shrubs, with additional substances for better results.
root system stimulation, climate changes, depolymerised residue, soil enrichment
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