Latest Publications & Patents on Biomaterials
This is our latest selection of worldwide publications and patents in english on Biomaterials, between many scientific online journals, classified and focused on biomaterial, tissue engineering, biodegradability, biopolymer, biocompatibility, scaffold, biodegradable, hydroxyapatite, chitosan and alginate.
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Decellularized Membrane Derived from the Cell-Produced Extracellular Matrix of 1-Day-Old Porcine Cartilage Can Be a Substitute for Periosteal Patches in Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation
Published on 2025-02-19 by Minh-Dung Truong, Thanh-Tam Nguyen-Thi, Thanh-Tan Nguyen-Ngoc, Bich-Tram Vo-Ngoc, Hoang-Yen Duong-Thi, Hoang-Vinh Nguyen, Duc-Quy Mai Hoang, Phuong-Vy Bui, Khanh Hong-Thien Bui, Phuong Le Thi, Dieu Linh Tran, Vo Thi Xuyen @MDPI
Abstract: (1) Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) is a prominent method for treating cartilage damage, but periosteal patches can cause chondrocyte leakage. This study evaluates the potential of a decellularized membrane derived from the cell-produced extracellular matrix of 1-day-old porcine cartilage (pcECM-DM) to act as a substitute for periosteal patches. (2) The interaction between young rabbit chondrocyte cells and pcECM-DM was assessed through cytotoxicity, differentiation, cell viability, ce[...]
Our summary: Evaluation of pcECM-DM as a substitute for periosteal patches in ACI through assessment of young rabbit chondrocyte interaction, cell viability, and proteomics analysis, showing potential for enhanced cartilage regeneration.
decellularized membrane, extracellular matrix, chondrocyte implantation, porcine cartilage
An Innovative Approach to the Internal Microelectrolysis (IME) Process Applied to Stabilized Landfill Leachate
Published on 2025-02-19 by Joanna ?ady?ska, Ma?gorzata Kucharska, Jeremi Naumczyk @MDPI
Abstract: Conventional wastewater treatment is often insufficient in the case of mature landfill leachate. Among novel methods, internal microelectrolysis (IME) has been recently recognized as an effective method for refractory wastewater treatment. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the impact of various parameters (pH, time, types, ratios of Fe/GAC, H2O2 dose, the time of application and the soaking of GAC in LL) on the efficiency of the IME process applied to mature landfill leachate. As micro[...]
Our summary: Evaluation of IME process parameters on mature landfill leachate treatment, Multi-step treatment for COD removal and biodegradability enhancement, Optimization of pH, Fe/GAC ratio, and H2O2 dose for efficient IME process.
microelectrolysis, landfill leachate, activated carbon, wastewater treatment
Advanced Nanobiocomposite Hydrogels Incorporating Organofunctionalized LDH for Soft Tissue Engineering Applications
Published on 2025-02-19 by Ionut-Cristian Radu, Eugenia Tanasa, Sorina Dinescu, George Vlasceanu, Catalin Zaharia @MDPI
Abstract: Nanocomposite hydrogels are gaining significant attention for biomedical applications in soft tissue engineering due to the increasing demand for highly flexible and durable soft polymer materials. This research paper focused on investigating and optimizing a procedure for the development of novel nanocomposite hydrogels based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)-co-(2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid) (HEMA/AMPSA) copolymers. These hydrogels were synthesized through a grafting-through p[...]
Our summary: Investigation and optimization of nanocomposite hydrogels based on HEMA/AMPSA copolymers incorporating organofunctionalized LDH for soft tissue engineering applications, Characterization of mechanical, morphological, and biological properties of the developed materials, Evaluation of biocompatibility and potential for soft tissue applications through biological assessments on hASCs
Nanobiocomposite, Hydrogels, Soft Tissue Engineering, LDH
Characterization of Laser-Textured Surfaces of Parts of a Biodegradable Polymer
Published on 2025-02-19 by Petronela-Daniela Rusu (Ostahie), Oktawian Bialas, Anna Wozniak, Marcin Adamiak, Augustine Appiah, Catalin Tampu, Simona-Nicoleta Mazurchevici, Panagiotis Kyratsis, Anastasios Tzotzis, Alexandra Nedelcu, Teodor-Daniel Mindru, Dumitru Nedelcu @MDPI
Abstract: Surface texturing entails surface alteration through forming, microgrooving, microdimpling, and microchanneling. This is achieved by laser micromachining, in addition to other related methods, of a substrate surface. The present paper describes the surface characteristics obtained after the laser texturing of a biodegradable polymer (Arbofill Fichte) with four and six passes in hexagonal and square patterns. The results of the wettability test indicate that this biodegradable polymer has a surfa[...]
Our summary: Characterization of laser-textured surfaces of biodegradable polymer parts. Surface alteration achieved through laser micromachining. Hexagonal geometry offers greater stability and consistency compared to square geometry.
Laser micromachining, Surface texturing, Biodegradable polymer, Wettability test
Assembly of Cellulases from Separate Catalytic Domains and a Cellulose-Binding Module for Understanding Cooperative Crystalline Cellulose Degradation
Published on 2025-02-19 by Katharina K. I. Schmitt, Hidehiko Hirakawa @MDPI
Abstract: The biochemical degradation of abundant cellulosic biomass for industrial use and energy production has been extensively researched in recent years. Some elaborate cellulose digestion approaches have been developed based on specialized bacteria, which possess sophisticated mechanisms to efficiently degrade recalcitrant natural carbohydrates. In this study, we assembled catalytic domains from multiple cellulolytic enzymes onto a scaffold along with a cellulose-binding module (CBM), specifically t[...]
Our summary: Assembly of cellulases with a cellulose-binding module for enhanced crystalline cellulose degradation, Study on the biochemical degradation of cellulosic biomass, Incorporation of CBM into a stable complex promotes cellulose digestion
cellulases, catalytic domains, cellulose-binding module, cooperative cellulolysis
Performance, Cost, and Environmental Perspectives
Published on 2025-02-19 by Maryam Abbasi, Paulo Váz, José Silva, Pedro Martins @MDPI
Abstract: This paper conducts a comprehensive experimental comparison of two widely used additive manufacturing (AM) processes, Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) and Stereolithography (SLA), under standardized conditions using the same test geometries and protocols. FDM parts were printed with both Polylactic Acid (PLA) and Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) filaments, while SLA used a general-purpose photopolymer resin. Quantitative evaluations included surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, tensile p[...]
Our summary: Performance, Cost, and Environmental Perspectives. Comprehensive comparison of FDM and SLA processes under standardized conditions. SLA excels in surface quality and dimensional tolerances, while FDM offers cost advantages and environmental benefits with biodegradable materials.
Additive Manufacturing, Fused Deposition Modeling, Stereolithography, Experimental Comparison
Biodegradable compositions and articles made from cellulose acetate
Patent published on the 2025-02-19 in EP under Ref EP4509556 by EASTMAN CHEM CO [US] (Shih Wayne Ken [us])
Abstract: A foamable composition comprising at least one cellulose acetate, a plasticizer, a nucleating agent, and either a chemical blowing agent or a physical blowing agent is disclosed. The composition is formed into foamed articles that are biodegradable.[...]
Our summary: Composition made from cellulose acetate, including a foamable composition with plasticizer and blowing agent, forming biodegradable foamed articles.
biodegradable, cellulose acetate, foamable composition, nucleating agent
Stackable planar adsorptive devices
Patent published on the 2025-02-19 in EP under Ref EP4509829 by SPF TECH LLC [US] (De Los Reyes Gaston [us])
Abstract: Adsorptive bed devices include a scaffold in housing having a stress absorbing rigid structure and open cells filled with adsorptive beads. The scaffold restricts movement of the plurality of adsorptive beads, absorbs stress induced by a hydraulic pressure gradient along a direction of liquid flow and transfers a portion of the induced compressive stress to the housing. In one embodiment the adsorptive bed is packed into a chromatography column, and in another embodiment the adsorptive bed is se[...]
Our summary: Stackable planar adsorptive devices include a stress-absorbing rigid structure with open cells filled with adsorptive beads, restricting movement and absorbing stress induced by a hydraulic pressure gradient. The adsorptive bed can be packed into a chromatography column or sealed in a monolithic block, with multiple layers of planarly cohesive media providing significant tensile strength.
planar, adsorptive, devices, scaffold
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