
02 March 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM


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La Deliciosa, s/n Plaça del Mar
San Sebastián, CT 08003 Spain

Special Barcelona Tech Week Jump off Founders and Funders Power Walk

​Special Barcelona Tech Week Power Walk for Startup Founders, Funders, Developers, and Anyone Involved in a Startup

Special Barcelona Tech Week Power Walk for Startup Founders, Funders, Developers, and Anyone Involved in a Startup or Just Looking to Make New Friends!

What We Will Do:

​We will walk for an hour and talk about startups, ideas, funding, and hear people pitch their startups—all in a casual way without the pressure and awkwardness of meetup bars or presentations. Join us if you want to listen to what others are doing, take a break from work, and get your 6000 steps in 🙂

The Walk:

​We will walk at the beach in Barcelona

Whatsapp group:

​People who join our walk will be in our exclusive whatsapp group

staaake Barcelona Tech Week 2025 Excel List: Stand out from 100,000 attendees by being on the Excel list. This will set you apart and make you more visible.

Barcelona Tech Week 2025 Excel List

  • ​Have your name, link (LinkedIn or company), and what you’re looking for—funding, investing, or networking—added to the list. This list will be linked to the opening and closing power walks events on, Eventbrite! It will also be emailed to everyone who signed up for those events!

Be a Sponsor

  • ​Get listed as a main sponsor with a link in the opening and closing power walk event description on, Eventbrite, (On, your logo will be added to the description.)

Is This for Me?

  • ​If you have a startup
  • ​Raising money
  • ​Looking for a co-founder
  • ​Sharing ideas
  • ​Brainstorming
  • ​Networking
  • ​Looking for new or first customers/users
  • ​Pitching your business
  • ​To clear your head
  • ​To get 6000 steps in

Where Do We Meet:

​We meet in front of La Deliciosa,
Plaça del Mar, s/n, Ciutat Vella, 08003 Barcelona, Spain

​We leave on time, so come early. The phone will be off, so we cannot communicate with latecomers. Please be respectful of others who only have an hour to participate!



​Instagram: @staaake

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